Essay On Trees- Trees are our best friends because they consume carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it into fresh oxygen. The importance of saving and planting trees is growing day by day.

It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends and how they contribute to the balance of the ecosystem.

short Essay On Trees | 250 Words


Trees are the real beauty of our planet. They make mother earth look beautiful. Trees help us live a healthy life on Earth. Not only humans but herbivorous animals also depend on trees for their food. And herbivorous animals are food for carnivorous animals.

It means trees maintain the life cycle on Earth. They purify the air we breathe and sustain an ecosystem suitable for all living beings. So, we can say that trees are our best friends.

Essay on Trees | Introduction

Importance of trees

Trees are important for all living beings on Earth. They are also essential to take care of our environment. Apart from that, they help us maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

Plus, They are useful for the reduction of air pollution as they consume carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas too. Trees provide pure oxygen that is very useful for human beings and animals.

Values of trees

We are unable to assess the value of trees. Trees are priceless. A tree is a result of struggles of tens of years from when it was a seed. The value of a tree varies for every living being. Some deeply depend on them and some narrowly.

But trees hold value for all the organisms on the planet. Some depend on their food and some depend on shelter. Trees are an amazing creation of nature. They give us uncountable benefits without expecting anything in return. This is why trees are our best friends.


In conclusion, without trees, our earth will look like the sun without light. Trees maintain a life cycle on Earth. But we humans are using them for the sake of earning money. We are just cutting down more and more trees daily. This is wrong and it will harm all living beings at a greater level soon. We must understand the importance of trees.

Long Essay On Trees | 500 Words


It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends. Our nature is made up of many small and big elements. Trees are one of them. The life cycle starts with a tree on Earth.

It means they are the basic element to support life on the earth. Also, human beings and animals depend on trees for daily food and oxygen. Moreover, birds and some other organisms make their home on them.

Importance of trees

Trees are necessary for all living beings on the planet. They are also vital to take care of our climate. Apart from that, they support us to maintain stability in the ecosystem. Plus, They are helpful for the abatement of air pollution as they absorb carbon dioxide which is a harmful greenhouse gas too.

Trees provide purified oxygen that is extremely useful for humans and animals. They provide us with food, wood, flowers, medicines, rubber, and much more than that. Just think of a scene of nature without trees. Would not it look absurd in the brain?

Values of trees ( Paragraph on values of trees )

We are incapable to estimate the value of trees. In reality, trees are invaluable. A tree is a result of efforts of many years from when it was only a seed. The value of a tree diversifies for every living being. Some strongly depend on them and some nearly do.

But trees hold value for all the bodies on mother earth. Some depend to meet the need for food and some depend on safety and security. Trees are an astonishing creation of nature. They give us countless benefits without demanding anything in return. This is The reason trees are our best friends.

different uses of trees

Trees are used in various ways. Some of the uses of trees are described below. This will help you understand the importance of trees.

  1. Food- Trees are the first and foremost source of food on this planet for various organisms. We get fresh fruits and veggies from trees.
  2. Medicine- Some trees have medicinal properties and so these are used to treat many types of illness and sickness.
  1. Wood– We get wood from trees which is used in making furniture and various types of tools and equipment. Also, in villages, it is used as fuel.
  2. Fruits and vegetables– What is your favourite fruit? whatever it is. The source of it surely is a tree. Fruits are something very beneficial for health.

Save Trees, Save Lives

If we want to live a healthy life in future, we need to protect trees and increase the population of trees. There are various ways to do the same.

1️⃣ Tree plantation

Tree plantation is a good way to fill the land with trees. With a few efforts, we can create a great count of trees. Human beings should plant at least five plants every year.

2️⃣ Prevent deforestation

Growing a tree from a seed is a little bit difficult process and requires continuous effort. But we can save the trees that are already grown. Deforestation is a good way of protecting trees.

3️⃣ Celebration by planting new trees

We can celebrate the great achievements and the best moments of life by planting some trees instead of cracking firecrackers that pollute the environment.

Final Words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, Trees hold huge importance in our lives, and it gives seamless assistance to the environment. we have anyhow not guarded them and possibly that is why as of now we are being influenced by global warming, critical pollution and additional ill outcomes of deforestation. So, to live a good life we need to understand the importance of trees. Also, We must take some steps to protect them.

Essay on Trees | Conclusion


  1. How to save trees?

    Don’t waste paper.
    Plant a tree.
    Borrow, share and donate books.
    Prevent deforestation.

  2. What would happen if there were no trees?

    Without trees, humans would not be able to survive because the air would be unfit for breathing.

  3. Why should we plant trees?

    To increase the level of fresh air in the environment, To decrease the level of carbon dioxide, to maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

  4. How to write an essay on trees?

    To write an essay on trees follow these steps!
    1. Write down the important headings.
    2. Frame a structure of headings.
    3. Write an engaging introduction.
    4. Infuse headings in the middle with content.
    5. At last, Give a conclusion.
    This way you can write an essay on trees and their importance.
