The word “Biodiversity” is made by clubbing “bio” and “diversity”. Here bio represents lifeform and diversity means variety. Hence, Biodiversity simply refers to the variety of lifeforms at a particular place. Biodiversity helps maintain the ecosystem on the planet.

In this article, you will get some examples of speech on biodiversity and its conservation. You will also get to know how biodiversity conservation can help in environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Short Speech On Biodiversity

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on biodiversity.

We see a variety of lifeforms around us such as animals, trees, insects etc. This variety is called biodiversity. Biodiversity helps in maintaining the ecosystem on the planet. For example; trees release oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide while we exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen.

In short, trees and humans supplement each other. If one of them disappears the other will face the consequences. Just like this, each organism has a distinct purpose and is a contributor to balancing the ecosystem.

If biodiversity gets disturbed, environmental processes will get disturbed too. Consequently, each living being will suffer. This is why biodiversity conservation becomes a responsibility for sustainable development so that our future generations can live a better life, not the worst one. Thank you!

1 Minute Speech On Biodiversity

2-Minute Speech On Biodiversity

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on biodiversity. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

Did you ever visit a zoo? Of course, you did, I guess. You see countless living organisms there. You also see different varieties of animals, birds, insects and aquatic animals in a zoo. This variety of living organisms is called biodiversity.

Each of the lifeforms you see has a unique purpose in maintaining the ecosystem and sustaining the life on the planet. For example; trees help other animals breathe by providing oxygen, birds help farmers in agriculture by eating insects, and even a bacteria called lactobacillus helps us in digestion.

Therefore, every living thing is important for sustaining life on the planet. If one goes extinct, others have to suffer problems. Most importantly, each one of us is dependent on other living organisms.

Despite being so important for our survival, we are destroying our biodiversity. We are destroying forests which are home to a lot of animals, birds and insects. If this happens continuously for a long time, we will have to face severe outcomes.

At last, I want to say that it is very important to conserve our biodiversity so that we can witness a good future for humans and other organisms on the planet. Biodiversity conservation is one vital factor for environmental conservation and sustainable development for all.

This is all I wanted to say. I hope you like my words. Thank you!

3-Minute Speech On Biodiversity

“Biodiversity starts in the distant past and it points toward the future”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes how biodiversity is related to sustainable development.

Before heading ahead to my speech on biodiversity, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

The word “Biodiversity” is made by clubbing “bio” and “diversity”. Here bio represents lifeform and diversity means variety. Hence, Biodiversity simply refers to the variety of lifeforms at a particular place. Biodiversity helps maintain the ecosystem on the planet.

Each of the lifeforms you see has a unique purpose in maintaining the ecosystem and sustaining the life on the planet. For example; trees help other animals breathe by providing oxygen, birds help farmers in agriculture by eating insects, and even a bacteria called lactobacillus helps us in digestion.

In the same way, there are a lot of environmental processes that take place in the presence of specific organisms. A decrease in the number of any organism can lead to many problems for others. Now, it is clear how important is our biodiversity.

Unfortunately, there are lots of threats to biodiversity. Let me tell you about a few. First of all, a constant change in the climate is endangering many species. Second, deforestation expells wild animals from their homes and eventually, they die of the lack of food and shelter.

Third, pollution and chemicals discharged into the water bodies cause many aquatic animals to die. Number four, the smuggling of rare plants, trees, animals, their skin, their bones and other byproducts is one of the most critical threats to biodiversity.

We have lost a range of biodiversity in the past. It is high time to save our biodiversity. We need to put effort to build a perfect planet to live in. An individual can do the following things to conserve our biodiversity

  • Setting up a home garden.
  • Using organic agricultural methods to save microorganisms
  • Discouraging the practice of deforestation
  • Encouraging the practice of Afforestation
  • Prevention of smuggling of animals and their body parts
  • Prevention of smuggling of plants, trees and byproducts
  • Feeding the stray animals

To sum it up, biodiversity is one important aspect of the planet for the execution of life effortlessly. Now, humans must take control of their actions against the ecosystem for sustainable development.

These are my thoughts on biodiversity. I hope my speech was informational. Thank you again.

Long Speech On Biodiversity

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