In childhood, we don’t have any memories but this is the period when we experience a lot of new events that become our childhood memories. Our experiences are the ground for memories.

We experience some good and some bad events. When we recall our good experiences, we feel joy and delight. On the contrary, when we recall some bad experiences, we get filled with fear, anxiety and sorrow. Childhood is one of the most important parts of life which can decide the level of our confidence in the future.


Childhood is full of innocence. We do a lot of foolish and funny acts in our childhood. When we recall these acts in our adulthood, we feel it ridiculous. It is the period of life when do not know much about this world and we start learning the same.

Our brains are empty in childhood. We store it with the learnings and experiences. We experience some good and some bad events. When we recall our good experiences, we feel joy and delight. On the contrary, when we recall some bad experiences, we get filled with fear, anxiety and sorrow.

The Importance!

Childhood is one of the most important parts of life which can decide the level of our confidence in the future. Our learning attitude is at its peak in childhood. In this period, we learn more by observing our surroundings. Hence, childhood requires a good and positive environment.

Childhood holds a very crucial role in our upbringing. It influences our personality and behaviour. Many researchers suggest that childhood experiences can also affect our health later in our adulthood. This effect can be positive or negative based on the nature of our experiences.

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Childhood Memories

When I was a child, I used to play a lot with my friends and siblings. Each evening we used to visit a park near our house where we played cricket one day and football another day. At the night, my grandfather told me magical stories of fairies. This habit made me a fan of stories. I bought many storybooks and comics.

Sometimes, my parents used to bring me to picnics and zoos. One of the picnics became a special memory for me. On that picnic, a monkey snatched my biscuits and made me afraid very badly. But when I recall that event, a smile flashes on my lips.

Moreover, I clearly remember the aroma of my grandmother’s pickles. I used to watch her doing the magic of mixing oils and spices to make tasty pickles. I used to assist her every time she made pickles. Even today, I can smell her pickles when I look back at this memory.

Why Is Childhood Best?

Childhood is considered the best part of life because there are no responsibilities on our shoulders. All we have is a simple schedule of going to school and return to home. In school, teachers treat us with love and affection. We study and play with our friends.

At the home, our parents liked our mischievous activities and all our mistakes were ignored. They fulfil all our wishes. They brought us the food we like, the toys we like, and the clothes we like. We don’t have to take tension off anything.


In conclusion, childhood memories give us another chance to live those events again. Childhood days are full of innocence and naughty acts. These memories make us realise that childhood is the best part of human life. My childhood memories are very close to my heart. Whenever I feel low in life, I use to recall my childhood memories which gives me slight relief.

Essay on Childhood Memories- Introduction


  1. How to describe your childhood memories?

    This is one of the easiest tasks to do. Just close your eyes and start recalling the best experience of your childhood. And start writing it on paper. I am sure you will run out of paper once you start writing it down.

  2. What is your best childhood memory?

    The answer varies for different people. It can be your first experience with something such as the first day of school, your first visit to a zoo, your first visit to a picnic or a funny experience.

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