Essay On Sports: Sports simply refer to physical games or activities but it also requires intellect as well. Some people pursue sports as their hobby while others practise them for exercise purposes. Whatever the reason behind practising sports, it is helpful for physical and mental health.

Sports help in strengthening the muscles and keeping the body fit. Sports is the only thing that has no side effects. But sports should not be practised by those who are physically weak. They should first work on their health.

100 Words Essay

Sports has always been a part of our society. It is full of benefits and enjoyment for one who is involved in sports activities. Sport is a tool that can fetch us a healthy body and fit mental conditions. It also keeps us active and helps our senses to be alert.

There are countless benefits of sports. Researches suggest that sports can stretch the life expectancy of humans. Furthermore, a person who practises sports is less likely to expose to diseases and physical problems. Also, it helps to increase the stamina and immunity of a person.

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150 Words Essay

Sports help in strengthening the muscles and keeping the body fit. It also helps in mental health growth. Apart from physical and mental health, it makes us active and our senses alert. A person involved in sports is much more active than a person who has no interest in sports.

There are countless benefits of sports. Researches suggest that sports can stretch the life expectancy of humans. Furthermore, a person who practises sports is less likely to expose to diseases and physical problems. Also, it helps to increase the stamina and immunity of a person. Sports is the only thing that has no side effects.

Sports is such an activity that everyone can perform at any age and gender. Sports and games are made compulsory for many schools. Same eating healthy food and doing exercise daily, sport is also counted as one of the healthy activities of life.

Long Essay On Sports | 500 Words


Sports has always been a part of our society. It is full of benefits and enjoyment for one who is involved in sports activities. Sport is a tool that can fetch us a healthy body and fit mental conditions. It also keeps us active and helps our senses to be alert.

So, sports benefit us in multiple folds. A sportsperson is less likely to expose to diseases than a normal person. Sports can help individuals to extend their life span. One can easily adopt sports in their life and get the treasure of benefits gifted by it.

Importance of sports in students’ life

School life is one of the good experiences for a person. As a student, one needs to create a balance between physical and mental health. Sports can help students do so. Sports should be made compulsory by the school as it holds equal significance as education. Multiple types of activities are needed for students to develop a good personality.

Many students are hidden gems of sports and they can become the best sportsperson. They are good at sports but not at studying. Teachers and parents think it to be a bad thing but in reality, it is just the opposite. One can make his career in his interest.

Benefits of Sports Essay

Sports have countless benefits for humans. First of all, sports help in maintaining physical and mental health. It strengthens our muscles and makes our bones strong. Because of physical activity, we consume a lot of oxygen that makes the lungs fit. Our immunity gets a boost and inner body parts work efficiently.

Moreover, sports develop self-confidence to talk and interact with people. This habit helps in improving our communication skills. Apart from this, it enhances the sitting, standing and walking style of a person. In other words, sports help to improve overall body language. Hence, Sports raise the social life of a person.

Sports culture in India

Many Indians are very passionate about sports. Their morning starts with playing their favourite game. Cricket is the most popular sport in every corner of India. One can easily find youngsters playing cricket in the streets and grounds of the cities. But apart from cricket, a lot of other games hold equal value in India.

Unfortunately, it is believed that sports have no value as a career. But a sportsperson knows the real value of it. The saying goes- “there is a will, there is a way”. The one who is deeply passionate about anything can pave the way.

Negative sides of sports

As everything has, sports also possess some negative aspects. The first negative side of sports is that it takes a lot of valuable time to do something productive and creative.

The one who has a busy schedule needs to take out time for it. Another thing that is counted as a con is- it can be dangerous while playing without wearing the proper protection.

Furthermore, it requires a lot of energy. So, one needs to take balanced food with all the nutritional values and proper rest and sleep. One should not play sports in conditions of sickness or a low level of energy. It can worsen health.

Final Words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, Sports are a paramount aspect of life. It improves the quality of human life. Sports can bring a bunch of advantages for youth, including physical and mental health. Sport increases people’s physical, social, and organizational abilities. Schools must make it compulsory because it is as important as education.

Essay on Sports and Games | Conclusion


  1. When is Sports Day observed?

    National sports day is celebrated in India on 29th August.

  2. What is the value of sports and games in life?

    Sports hold a very huge value in life. It can help us live a healthy life. It also enhances our social behaviour and gives us a sense of the right communication skill.

  3. How do write an essay on sports and games and their importance in life?

    Follow these steps to write an essay on sports and games and their importance in life-
    1. Start with an engaging introduction
    2. Think of some subheadings for the body
    3. Structure the headings in a flow
    4. Write the body part of each heading
    5. At last, give a conclusion with a finishing touch.
    This Way, you will complete your Essay on Sports and Games.

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