Friendship is a word in the dictionary with its definition but it actually can’t be defined using all the words that a dictionary contains. Good friends are the joy of life. We live our life with double enjoyment when we are with our good friends.

Secondly, A good friend is someone you find your hard times in life. They all always stand there by us to support us in any corner of life. They not only with us our achievements but also encourage us when we are in the struggling phase of life.

Essay On The Importance of Friends | 150 Words

Good friends are the joy of life. We live our life with double enjoyment when we are with our good friends. But finding good friends who are loving, caring, honest, helpful, and loyal, is a difficult task. A good friend is someone which we can easily trust.

A good friend is a just relationship which we earn in our entire life. Undoubtedly From our childhood, impact our lives in multiple ways and our personality and behaviour are a result of the company of our good friends.

Friendship is necessary for the overall development of a person. Our friends teach us some lessons that are not found in any of the books. After our family and school, Friends are the ones who spark a sense of morality and ethics. They help us become better human beings.

Short Essay On Importance of Friends | 250 Words


Good friends are the joy of life. We live our life with double enjoyment when we are with our good friends. But finding good friends who are loving, caring, honest, helpful, and loyal, is a difficult task. A good friend is someone which we can easily trust.

A good friend is a just relationship which we earn in our entire life. Undoubtedly From our childhood, impact our lives in multiple ways and our personality and behaviour are a result of the company of our good friends.

Essay On Importance Of Friends | Introduction

Importance of good friends in life

We all start earning good friends from childhood. When we start our schooling, we meet lots of classmates. Some of them build a colossal effect on us because of their behaviour, expressions, and other properties. But we all have some unusual friends that connect to us more uniquely than anyone other. We forever want those people in our lives.

First of all, Our good friends are the ones very closest to us in life. And we all know that a person’s behaviour is an average of the people that one is surrounded by. So, this is a fact that our behaviour is highly impacted by our friends. They play a grand role in the development of one’s behaviour and personality.

Secondly, A good friend is someone you find your hard times in life. They all always stand there by us to support us in any corner of life. They not only with us our achievements but also encourage us when we are in the struggling phase of life.

Thirdly, Friendship is necessary for the overall development of a person. Our friends teach us some lessons that are not found in any of the books. After our family and school, Friends are the ones who spark a sense of morality and ethics. They help us become better human beings.


Concluding, Friendship is a very vital factor responsible for the personality and behaviour of a person. It unravels the latent talent of a person. Moreover, there is a need for good friends in life because somewhere we talk more openly to our good friends than to our family and loved ones. Good friends understand each other at a different level.

Long Essay On The Importance of Friends | 500 Words


A good friend is someone hard to get. A true friend is somebody you always count on at a hard time in life. The definition of a good friend in a dictionary is a person who is connected to another by feelings of affection or personal view.

If I ask you to define the word “friendship“. How do you define it? I will define it, “A friend is somebody who knows your past, trust your future, and believes in you just the way you are.” Making good friends is limited. Friendship is not a blood relation but sometimes it is found more than that.

Friendship suggests being at ease with and admiring each other’s minds. A friend is one who admires a person’s abilities. A good friend supports or inspires you to make the best choices and won’t let you into any trouble at all.

Where are our good Friends stand in our lives?

Good friends are your extended family. You don’t pick your family members, but you choose your friends. Friends are the family you choose accordingly, your brother from another parent or your sister from another man.

Occasionally you may have trouble with your personal family. You may sense confused, misunderstood, ridiculed, or even neglected. In that case, your good friends fill in the empty space of life.

Moreover, the opposite is also possible. You may find some good friends in the form of your family members be it your brother, sister, mother, uncle, aunt or father. You just find a person to whom you can talk about everything about your life independently.

What is the Significance of good friends?

Friends are an asset of life that we earn by putting our whole life into. Good friends share a special bond of love and affection between them. They are the ones that are irreplaceable persons in life. They hold great significance in our lives.

First of all, Sharing our good moments with our good friends gives us a priceless feeling. Even sharing these moments sometimes makes it more affluent than ever. It’s great to have a good friend circle of friends.

Apart from that, good friends always are reliable and stand by your side irrespective of situations. They wipe your tears, pull you up when you fall, and offer your arm to cry on in difficult times.  They are there in all the steps of your life, as you deal with the struggling phase of life, and separation from loved ones. They make you smile even when you think you’ll never laugh again.

How do good friends impact our life?

  1. Help us develop a good identity: Our good friends help us develop good habits and moral values. Our habits make an impression on everyone we meet. That impression decides our Identity in society.
  2. Help us move forward in life: We need a lot of inspiration and motivation to do something extraordinary in life. That comes from our family members and obviously from friends.
  1. Comfort zone: Good friends create a Comfort zone for you. They believe in you as you are… your all merits and demerits, your strengths and flaws, all good and bad habits. You can be what you are, you don’t need to cover something from them.
  2. Good friends are good critics: Sometimes your good friends know you better than you do. They tell you what you are afraid to tell yourself. They will easily judge you on what should be done and what is not. This will help you know your flaws and be a better person.

Good friends are good for mental and physical health: According to one of the newest studies, childhood friends are most helpful when your health and well-being come.

Final Words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, Life is full of ups and downs.  So, at each step of life, everyone requires someone who can understand and help with no expectations. Those specific people are called good friends. Friendship can occur between two people of any age, gender, caste or creed. It plays a vital role in our life.

Essay On Importance Of Friends | Conclusion

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