Education is an integral part of overall development and progress for any country. The primary function of education is to promote a person’s holistic development to prepare students for the real world. Each country possesses its education system.

In this article, we shared some examples of speeches on the Indian education system in which we are going to discuss its problems and their solutions.

Speech On Indian Education System | 2 minutes

Reputable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends! First of all, I would like to welcome all of you and also thank you all for having me a chance to deliver a speech on the education system in India.

India’s education system is considered one of the oldest in the world. Even, the oldest university was founded in India. But why do many talented students move abroad to get a better education?

Education has some basic functions such as:

  1. A person’s holistic development,
  2. Make them open-minded,
  3. Make them problem-solving,
  4. Help students make good decisions,
  5. Help students figure out their hidden talents etc.

But the Indian Education System does not promise to provide these functions. The Indian education system is purely based on rote learning in which students are asked to write answers based on what is written in textbooks.

Education is all about learning but the Indian education system is all about the rat race. Students are not concerned about learning but they are more stressed about leaving others behind by scoring better.

This is the need of the hour to bring some changes in this education system to make it more interesting and interactive. To do this, it is needed to eradicate the competitive environment. Apart from this, eliminate rote learning so that teachers can scale the level of knowledge of the students.

Most importantly, there is a need to adopt a teaching method which enhances the analytical skills of the brain. Activity-based teaching is a great way for this and it will also make the learning process interactive.

Currently, the Indian education system functions based upon “more theory, less practicals“. If we reverse this, it will help the students to understand the concepts more easily.

To sum it up, there are lots of ways that can make the Indian education system the best version of it. This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my speech. Thank you!

2 Minute speech on Indian education system

5-Minute Speech On The Problems Of The Indian Education System

First of all, good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you gathered here. In your special presence, I would like to say a few words about the education system in India.

According to Wikipedia “Education is the process of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits”. Education is an integral part of overall development and progress for any country.

The primary function of education is to promote a person’s holistic development to prepare students for the real world. Each country possesses its education system. India’s education system is considered one of the oldest in the world.

Most noteworthy, the oldest university was founded in India. But why do many talented students move abroad to get a better education? The reason behind this is; the Indian education system has some flaws that prevent it to be the best education system.

Let’s discuss the problems that prevent the Indian education system to become the best version of it.

1. Rat race

A rat race is a race where the winner gets nothing but the satisfaction that he is ahead of the losers. Students are not concerned about learning but they are more stressed about leaving others behind by scoring better.

We need to stop spreading this mindset to students. We can do that by eliminating the competitive environment among the students. Every student is unique. Just like, different types of trees require different types of environments.

In the same way, each student requires a different environment and needs. Teachers should act like a gardener who understands the needs of each type of plant.

2. Rote Learning

In the Indian education system, It is more important that you can rote learn and repeat like a parrot than having a good understanding of the concept.

Students are asked to write answers the way it is written in the syllabus book. In this process, they forget to understand the concept. They just learn it as-it-is to write a perfect answer to get the maximum marks.

The results of this are visible to us. According to a study, 80 per cent of engineers in India are unemployable. It means after spending 4 years, they are not able to meet the requirements of employers.

This method is not suitable to scale one’s knowledge and skills. A better approach needs to be adopted.

3. Respect For Teachers

Global Teacher Status Index Says that India’s teachers are amongst the least-paid teachers in the world. This is the reason behind the shortage of good teachers.

Today, 50% of the Indian population is under the age of 25 years and deserves to get a decent education but more than 8000 government schools in India have no teachers at all.

Ideally, In a class, student to teacher ratio must be 28:1, but it sometimes reaches 100:1. So there is a need to hire quality teachers and pay them decent salaries.

4. Necessary Knowledge

It is believed that education prepares us for facing the real world. But I don’t think that the Indian education system prepares students for facing the real world. What do you think?

Well, I have a list of items. Do students learn any of these in schools?

  • How to make the right decisions
  • How to communicate well
  • How to write a good email
  • How to present your views
  • The list goes on.

One of the functions of education is to help students figure out their hidden talents. But the Indian education system is not very promising to meet this criterion. After leaving school, most of the students are confused about what to do in life.

If we want to utilize the full potential of the talent and skill of our youth. We must fill the gap.

This is all I wanted to say. Thank you!

5 Minute Speech on the problems of the Indian education system

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