Paragraph On Books Are Our Best Friends: Reading books is a good habit because this habit makes us an improved version of ourselves. Books don’t lie to you and they don’t change their statements that is why it is called that books are our best friends.

It is human nature to seek the company of someone or something. We are well impacted by the company we choose, be it a person, a thing or a device. But we must choose our companion wisely because it will make or break our personality.

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It is said that Books can be a good companion but what type of books you prefer makes a difference and also decides your psychic development. So before choosing a book ask yourself a question- “what value will this book add to your life?”

Surely, entertainment holds its separate significance but you should make sure that the purpose of reading books must not be only to satisfy entertainment. Reading books only for passing your time is completely a waste of time.

Hence, if you want to take advantage of book reading, you should pick books wisely. You can storm your mind on what type of value you need to be added to your life. It could be anything like financial education, life skills etc. But don’t limit yourself, read books based on your inner insights.

Paragraph On Books Are Our Best Friends

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What contains in a human’s brain is unpredictable and changes according to conditions, but what contains in a book never changes. Books don’t change their statements depending upon different circumstances and situations. That is why it is called that books are our best friends.

No doubt books are human’s invention but they are better companions compared to humans. Books help us improve our inner selves and provide us with the best and most precise knowledge.

Reading a few pages of a good book daily will enhance your analytical brain and will develop a sense of argument for different topics and issues. My favourite book is the wings of Fire which motivate me whenever I feel low.

Reading different books from different genres and different authors conveys to us different ideologies from society. Doing so will also develop a skill to understand human psychology and different thinking patterns. Furthermore, it will help you present the best solutions and explanations for a particular problem.

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No one can deny the fact that “Reading books is a good habit” because this habit makes us an improved version of ourselves. Books don’t lie to you and they don’t change their statements that is why it is called that books are our best friends.

Books don’t have all the answers. You can’t get all your answers from books, but they will give a great start you need to make a real change in your life. And even if you find the best books to guide you, it’s insanely important to put the books down and do the actual work.

Practising what you learn is the final stage of learning from great authors. For every book, you choose, gather as many answers as possible, put the book down and start doing. Otherwise, you are just gathering knowledge of no actual use.

Make reading work for you — don’t make it a distraction from the real work you need to do to change your life. Books can easily become a distraction if you don’t read with a bigger purpose. Not every book deserves your time.

“Read a lot. Expect something big, something exalting or deepening from a book. No book is worth reading that isn’t worth re-reading.”

Most notably, reading books can change your perception of the world completely. So it is necessary to choose the best books that are written from a universal perspective, not from an individual’s perspective.

Plus, you must pay attention to select books that add value to your life and society as well. For example, reading love stories, horror literature, comedy compilations, fictional literature etc are for entertainment and add little or no value to one’s life.

I hope you enjoyed this paragraph on books are our best friends.

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