Essay On Friendship- Everyone must know the fact that A friendship of more than seven years lasts for a lifetime. Friendship is important because it teaches us life lessons. You learn to love people apart from family members.

Having a good friendship that inspires you, supports you, and always stands by you at difficult times is a fortune. sometimes this friendship is found more than blood relationships. My preferred quote on friendship is, ” A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Short Essay On Friendship And Its Importance | 250 Words


Friendship is the purest and most divine relationship among all the other relations. It is believed the best life is when someone has a lot of good friends. Friendship supports you in life not only in happy times but also in your hardships.

It makes a person’s life complete. Without friendship, Life is full of emptiness and boredom. Also, This priceless blessing doubles your joy and divides your pain. In a good friendship, honesty and loyalty play a vital role.

Essay On Friendship | Introduction

What is the importance of friendship in life?

Friendship holds great importance in everyone’s life because We are taught a lot of different lessons from a friendship that are not available anywhere else. You just learn to like people other than your family members.

You get inspiration from your friends to move forward in life and do something extraordinary in life. Apart from all that, we have not been left alone in the hardships of our lives. All our good friends always stand by us whenever we feel a need for them.

What is true friendship?

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This quotation defines true friendship in a few words. Actually, A true friend is one who not only stands there in your good moment but also supports and appreciate you in your hard times.

True friendship suggests having a connection free of any rules. It is free from any judgments and it gives you a sense of feeling loved and accepted. True friends are rare to find and you are destined enough to have them.


Concluding, Friendship is a precious relationship that gives you a lot of cherishable and unforgettable memories. There is not any doubt that best friends support us in our difficulties and serious moments of life. They always try to protect us from our dangers and offer relevant advice. True friends are the best assets in our life because they participate in our sorrow, soothe our pain and deliver happiness.

Long Essay On Friendship And Its Importance | 500 Words


Everyone must know the fact that A friendship of more than seven years lasts for a lifetime. Friendship is a word in the dictionary with its definition but it actually can’t be defined using all the words that a dictionary contains. It is one of the rare experiences of life one could yield.

All the other relationships are defined at the moment we take birth. But friendship is a relationship that is not obedient to any blood relationship. We all have many friends in our lives but We can believe blindly only in some of them because loyalty and trust are the form factor of a true and strong friendship.

Importance of strong friendship

Friendship is important because it teaches us life lessons. You learn to love people apart from family members. You find out the real meaning of being yourself. Friendship never leaves us alone in our hard times.

You discover how to recognise people and trust them. Your true friends will always inspire you and praise you. They will lead you to the right path and defend you from any kind of evil.

Furthermore, friendship also guides you a lot about loyalty. There is no other greater feeling in the world than possessing a loyal friend. Plus, friendship makes us more powerful. It examines us and supports us grow.

Meaning of True Friendship

A person is familiarised with multiple persons in their life. However, the dearest ones get converted into our friends. You may have a huge friend group in school or college, but you know you can only include one or two people with whom you experience true friendship.

There are primarily two types of friends, the first are good friends the second is best friends or true friends. True friends are the ones with whom we feel a special connection of love and affection. In other words, a true friend fills our life with happiness. Most importantly, true friendship needs not any judgments.

In short, true friendship keeps us stay strong in life. Having a caring family is all okay but you also need true friendship in life to be perfectly happy.

Qualities of a Good Friendship

Trustworthiness is usually the “make or break” factor in any relationship. Any gap, regardless of observed magnitude, can ruin a friendship. Trustworthiness is composed of several elements, including honesty, loyalty, and dependability.

Loyalty is considered first in all of our relationships, from the moment we gain our first friendship. We need friends who won’t scatter our secrets to others, won’t spread rumours about us, or enable others to criticize us.

Being supportive of others in their hard times is a defining characteristic of a good friend, but being supportive of others in their normal times is also required.

The saying goes, “Everybody loves a winner,” but for some of us, this just isn’t so. If you have stress celebrating another’s good fortune and develop a sense of envy or even bitterness, this may narrow the depth of your friendship.

Self-confidence is an appealing feature in any friend, and this quality may even be contagious. When we are in the fellowship of self-confident individuals, we too feel our own confidence growth.

Final words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, having a good friendship that inspires you, supports you, and always stands by you at difficult times is a fortune. sometimes this friendship is found more than blood relationships. My preferred quote on friendship is, ” A friend in need is a friend indeed.” This quote easily describes what real friendship is. Friendship is a treasure of gems for me that has been blessed by God. I am very lucky to have a good friend circle. I always pray to God to keep my friends healthy, happy, and safe.

Essay On Friendship | Conclusion


  1. What is the importance of friendship?

    Friendship is important for everyone as it supports us in every phase of life and teaches us a lot of useful lessons about life.

  2. What is friendship in short?

    A relationship with some person without any kind of obligation is a true friendship.

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