Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools for Content Writers in 2022

Writing lengthy articles without focusing on the main intent will never help you grab the attention of the audience.

If you are looking to increase the readability of the content and make it more engaging, you need to focus on the quality of the text.

Online AI tools can be quite handy in this regard as they help you polish the blog content and make it more informative for the readers.

What are AI Powered Tools?

While writing the articles in a flow, there are chances that you make some mistakes in the content that can disturb the main intent of the lines.

You may make punctuation errors; use plagiarized data in the lines, or something else.

AI writing tools will help you come over this issue and make it unique and informative for the readers.

These AI-powered tools will assist you in figuring out the grammatical mistakes from the content, changing its structure, getting new content automatically, or removing copied lines from the blog.

List of Top Online Writing Tools

There is a list of online writing tools that can be helpful in making the lines more engaging and unique for the readers.

In this blog, we will discuss the most important tools that are needed by every writer and they must consider these tools while generating new articles.

1.   Paraphraser

Sometimes it happens that you like the content of other authors and want to use it in your blog.

But using the copied lines in your blog will make the content plagiarized.

To escape this issue and keep the lines unique, you need to paraphrase the content.

The online paraphrasing tool can be a handy option here to recreate lengthy blogs.

With the help of a paraphraser, you can get a new version of the article from the old one that will be unique from the actual one.

This online tool has a huge synonym library so when you upload the content in the paraphrasing tool, it replaces the words with their synonyms and makes it unique for the audience.

The best thing about the tool is that it doesn’t change the intent of the blog and preserves the actual meaning of the article.

One more advantage that you can get in the paraphrasing tool is that you can get some other options here like summarizing the content, generating new articles, checking grammar mistakes, etc.

2.   AI article generator

Article generator is an amazing addition to the list of best AI tools that can assist you in generating new articles from scratch.

So, if you are short of time or don’t know much about the topic, you just have to enter the title or keyword in this tool, which will provide you with a long article.

The best thing about AI article generator is that it provides you with content that is very easy to read and understand.

You can generate multiple versions of unique articles from this tool on a single keyword and interestingly all of them will be different from each other.

3.   Plagiarism Detector

While using the ideas of other authors in your blog, you may use some copied lines that can reduce the authenticity of the content.

Therefore, it is very important to check the plagiarism in the content and it all can be done quickly with the help of a plagiarism detector tool.

This tool checks each line in the content and matches it with the relevant articles present online. The copied lines get highlighted that you can check from the source link provided by the tool.

Also, you can check the percentage of uniqueness in the article and increase this factor by removing the copied data from there.

4.   Grammar Checker

Publishing content full of grammatical issues can reduce its worth. The reason is that it may distract the reader and they will find it hard to understand the meaning of the content.

To remove this issue from the lines, you need to upload the article to a grammar checker online and figure out the mistakes that are disturbing the fluency of the text.

AI punctuation checker reads the articles thoroughly and highlights the text that needs improvement.

Also, it suggests an alternative to the issue so you don’t have to spend time on generating new lines.

You can simply replace the errors with suggestions. This will help you increase the readability of the content and make it easily understandable for the audience.

5.   Summarizer

Often the readers just want to read the main points of the articles.

So, they avoid reading the entire content and look for the main headings and subheadings.

As a writer, it can be difficult for you to write the article first and explains the bullet points separately as it can waste a lot of time.

AI summarizer tool can be a handy option as it can help you generate a summary of the content in a few seconds.

You just have to upload the article in this tool and click on the summarize button. This AI tool will read the content deeply and take out the most important lines from the content.


Every single line in the content plays a vital role in grabbing the attention of readers and making them regular visitors.

Therefore, it is very important to generate such content that can be informative for them. Moreover, you need to ensure that the lines are easy to read.

AI writing tools can be quite a handy option for you in this regard as they can help you figure out the mistakes from the content and polish it to make the text more appealing.

The list of best AI tools is discussed in this article that can be helpful for writers in improving the quality of the content.

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