Speech on Mother’s Day: All the words in the dictionary can’t express what our mothers mean to us. Their genuine love, sacrifice, and support are our real strengths. On the occasion of mothers Day, we want to express how valuable our mothers & their presence in our life.

A mother is an icon of sacrifice and love. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child. A mother is always standing by her child in every situation whether it is a good moment or a bad one.

This page will help you compose a short & long speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day in 1, 2 & 4 Minutes duration. If you like this post, Do share it with your friends and loved ones. You can read an essay on mothers here.

Short Speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day | 1 Minute

If an angel asks me to make a wish, I would make a wish for good health and prosperity for another Angel on earth and that is my mother. If I am not wrong you would also do the same.

Greetings to everyone gathered here. I (your name) cordially welcome all of you & want to pay you thanks for having me a chance to speak in front of you.

Did you know? The word “Mother” is derived from the Sanskrit word “maatri” which means a woman who gives birth & a mother is the most influential character in everyone’s life. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child.

Today I want to say a few words to my mother-“Dear mom, you made me the luckiest person in the world by being my mother. I can not repay you what you did for me. I just want to express my love to you. You’re the woman that has sacrificed all her life just to build mine”.

Thank you, Mom. Love you, Mom.

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1 Minute speech on Mothers for mother's day

Emotional Speech on Mothers | 2 MInutes

Hello and welcome to all the people present here. Before I start my speech on mothers, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

As you know I am here to speak a few words about mothers but the fact is; “No matter how much effort is made, it is impossible to define the word “Mother” in available words in the world”. A mother sacrifices her days and nights for her children’s happiness and to satisfy their needs.

I assure you, you will be running out of energy if you put yourself into the shoes of your mother. Then you will realize the actual workload that she has to deal with. After, you will question yourself,” how does my mother manage all that?”. And you will result in respecting her more intensely than ever.

Her love is unalloyed (unmixed). Those who have not experienced a mother’s affection are unfortunate. She loves their child with no expectations in return. Sorry to fathers but fathers can’t establish a connection with their child-like mothers does.

At last, I want to say a few words dedicated to my mother; “Dear mom, whatever I am today is because I have you. You taught me to be myself even during hard times. I wish you nothing more than fulfillment and happiness”

Thank you for always being my defence, fortress, and shield. Your love has been the pillow I rest on during the hard times, I can’t afford to repay you. Love you, Mom.

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Heart touching Speech on Mothers | 4 Minutes

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on mothers. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

In philosophy, it is said that when God found it tough to protect the whole world, he made mothers. A mother is a beautiful gem in everyone’s life and can not be replaced by anyone else. She is the one who takes care of us in our childhood, encourages us in our teenage, and supports us in our hard times.

When we were kids and could not be able to help ourselves, she took care of us and devoted her days and nights to the sake of our comfort. But, Today we are mature enough to take responsibility. Now we must serve our Mother with love.

I assure you, you will be running out of energy if you put yourself into the shoes of your mother. Then you will realize the actual workload that she has to deal with. After, you will question yourself,” how does my mother manage all that?”. And you will result in respecting her more intensely than ever.

Irrespective of what the condition is, you will always find your mother standing by you. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She will take care of you at every age. The connection she shares with her child, can’t be established with anyone else in the world.

There is no doubt that a mother’s love is very outstanding and hard to find anywhere else. This is unique because a mother perceives her child as her part. This attachment is very sensitive as a mother can sense your situations and feelings from a long distance.

One thing is crystal clear we cannot repay her favours but we should try to get her free from all her responsibilities at least once a week. What does she expect from us other than respect? So we need to respect her cordially. We must always try to keep her happy and relaxed.

Mothers are a great invention of God. All the mothers on the planet, be humans, animals, or any other species, are greatly appreciable. They are a combination of love, strength, and limitless courage. I am very thankful to God for blessing me with my mother.

At last, I want to dedicate some of my words to my mother; “my angel, my strength and my supermom. For replacing my shame with boldness, my sadness with happiness and my fear with courage, thank you.

Even after all these years, you are the most gorgeous and kindest woman I know. No wonder you don’t age. I’m so glad to be called your son. Looking at you reminds me that not all angels have wings and not all Superheroes wear special costumes. You have been my guardian angel from the first day and I love you, forevermore”.

Love you, Love you, Love you, My mother.

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Heart touching Speech on Mother

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