“Childhood” {keep silence for 5 sec} is the best time in human life. This is what surveys reveal. It is the most enjoyable and memorable time for every human. But what if I say every one child out of ten is deprived of their childhood globally? Yes, it is true.

Before heading ahead I want to wish you all of you present here with best wishes and I am thankful to have a chance to deliver a speech on Child Labour.

The term child labour itself is defined. It destroys the childhood of children and also their future is burned to ashes. It is a cause of underdevelopment of the physical and mental health of children. They are burdened with huge responsibilities of which they are not capable.

Sometimes, Children have to do work to support their families because of the poor condition of their families. Child labour is not only damaging the future of young ones but also of the respective nations because upcoming generations determine the progress of a country.

We all need to take steps against this terrible practice so that our young generation can get their true rights.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

1 Minute Speech on child labour

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