• Essays

    Best Essay on Rainy Day [short & long]

    Essay on Rainy Day– A rainy day fetches us a distinct experience compared to any other day. One can go out of the home to examine the real beauty of nature where he/she can easily witness the true beauty of every natural element. No doubt every season has its significance but the features of the rainy season make it stand out from any other season. This season encloses you to nature’s real beauty. Not only humans but trees and animals also relish this season. [Read- Rainy Season Essay] Short Essay On Rainy Day | 250 Words Introduction When we hear…

  • Essays

    Essay on Rainy Season [With Headings]

    Essay on Rainy Season- The rainy season is the most liked season for me. I can make you count several reasons why I like it the most. The environment looks as much awesome as we are in heaven. Nature reveals its true meaning. The trees look bathed and very cheerful. The green plains reveal their real attraction. Peacocks dance in the jungle. To see a dancing peacock is an awesome experience. During the rainy season, everyone just gets spellbound. Main Headings Introduction The Rainy Season is the most awesome and attractive season of the year. It is the season when the sky is full of rainy…

  • Essays

    Essay on My Favourite Book For Students

    History is witness that books might play a crucial role in shaping the personality of a person. Not only do they contain walls of text but they also incorporate facts and experiences. There is a saying, “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend”. This saying is true because books always stand by you to share your happiness and sorrow as well. In this essay, we will discuss how to write an essay on your favourite book. Introduction Believe it or not, books give you the best values. Most people admit that reading books can enhance your…

  • Essays

    Importance of Animals Essay in English

    Animals play a significant role in maintaining the ecosystem like other natural factors. They are also very important for balancing the food chain on Earth. Hence, they can affect the entire existence of life on the planet. In this essay, we will discuss why animals are important for humans and for the environment. Introduction Animals help the planet execute the existence of life because they play a crucial role in maintaining the food chain. Human life is also immensely impacted by animals. From food to travelling, from security to companionship, animals have captured all the aspects of human life. From…

  • Essays

    Online Classes Essay For Students

    With the evolution in technology, we have uncovered a new method of teaching called online classes or online education. This method of catering education has a lot of advantages which makes it more attractive. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online classes or e-learning. Introduction According to Wikipedia “Education is the process of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits”. It indicates that education is not limited to books, schools or colleges. Online classes are the latest method of learning and education. It is also known as E-learning. This method involves the use of the…

  • Essays

    Spring Season Essay In English

    The Spring season is one of those seasons that offer us the to explore a new dimension of natural beauty. No matter what the season is, nature’s beauty has no match at all. The Spring season lies between the end of the winter season and the arrival of the summer season. The duration of day and night is equal in this season. Introduction The Spring season is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. This season lasts between the end of the winter season and the beginning of the summer season. In India, it starts culturally in the…

  • Essays

    Essay On Winter Season – My Favourite Season

    Mother nature has gifted us with various experiences. In those experiences, seasons hold the top position. Different types of seasons bring us distinct experiences. Some people like one season whereas some like another. In this essay, we will discuss the winter season. Introduction The geographical position of India and the movement of the earth offer the country to experience four seasons. These seasons are winter, summer, monsoon and autumn. The Winter season is the coldest season and unique in itself. The winters offer us many distinct experiences and perks. A winter’s morning sounds mesmerising and a hot beverage makes it…

  • Essays

    Essay on Father’s Day [Short & Long]

    Essay On Father’s Day- Fathers are special but they are less appreciated. Their love goes unnoticed Because they don’t express their feelings as mothers do. But every child knows how much their father loves him/her. Here are given short and long examples of essays on Father’s Day. Short Essay On Father’s Day | 250 Words Introduction Father’s Day is a Day in the calendar when children gift their fathers a special thing, love. But what about the rest days of the year? Don’t we love our father those days? Of course, we do. But Father’s Day holds a special significance…

  • Essays

    Essay on Sustainable Development

    For the development of living standards, human beings have always been exploiting natural resources and harming the environment. If it continues, the forthcoming generations will be lacking resources and they will not be able to meet their needs. introduction Sustainable development refers to “the development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” Moreover, if we observe the term “sustainable development”, it means a development that heads over towards progress not decline. The World Commission on Environment and Development popularized this concept in 1987. It aims to prevent the exploitation…

  • Essays

    Essay On Fashion in English

    Essay On Fashion: Fashion evolves very quickly but the word “fashion” is never outdated, it is always in fashion and a subject of gossip. In fact, it has been a profound matter for a long time and it has no expiry. People always want to look different and attractive. Hence, they chase fashion. Short Essay on Fashion | 150-200 Words It is very astonishing to see how differently our past generations dressed and pursued fashion. If you wear the style your grandfather used to wear in his childhood, you will feel awkward and people will stare at you like you…