Mother nature has gifted us with various experiences. In those experiences, seasons hold the top position. Different types of seasons bring us distinct experiences. Some people like one season whereas some like another. In this essay, we will discuss the winter season.


The geographical position of India and the movement of the earth offer the country to experience four seasons. These seasons are winter, summer, monsoon and autumn. The Winter season is the coldest season and unique in itself. The winters offer us many distinct experiences and perks.

A winter’s morning sounds mesmerising and a hot beverage makes it the icing on the cake. A winter’s sunshine feels very comforting and lovely. And a winter’s night appears adventurous when we spend it with our family and friends sitting around a bonfire.

Essay On Winter Season- Introduction

When does it start?

In India, the winter season starts in December and lasts till March. The average temperatures start declining which makes the environment cold, colder and then piercingly chilling. A year’s coldest months are December and January when winter’s peak can be experienced.

These two months make our teeth clatter and our bodies shiver terribly. It is very tough to survive these months without sufficient clothes and warmth. After January, temperatures start rising running towards the summer season which starts after the winter season ends.

My favourite season- winter

Many factors push me to like this season. Number one, it’s morning time which makes me mesmerised. I wake up early to witness the morning dew on flowers. I go for a morning walk which allows me to explore nature more closely. Number two, it offers me an opportunity to eat my favourite veggies carrots and cauliflower.

Number three, I don’t feel dehydrated and exhausted while playing my favourite outdoor games. Additionally, all I need is warm clothes and I am all set to roam under the sky without exhausting my energy which I can’t do in summer.

Moreover, When authorities pass orders to shut schools during chilling weather. Winter vacations enable me to pursue my hobbies like playing, reading, gardening, drawing and learning skills. To be funny, I get enough time to sleep as I love sleeping.


The winter season is suitable for many but not for everyone. The season creates a concerning problem for all the homeless people and stray animals.  Hundreds of homeless people die due to the fierce winters. Also, the number of accidents increases in the winter season due to dense fog.

In many parts of our country (especially the mountain areas), daily snowfall or rain can be seen during this time. It creates challenges for people as the roads get blocked due to snowfall. Similarly, life gets very challenging in a few European countries as they face massive snowfall and blizzards during winter. 


To sum it up, People like the winter season because they like freshness, they get a chance for long morning walks and relish fresh vegetables and fruits. The winter season may be fun for many and challenging for others. But it is true that different seasons allow us to witness another side of nature.

Essay On Winter Season- Conclusion


  1. What is the speciality of the winter season?

    The Winter season is the coldest season in which we feel more energetic because we don’t lack hydration.

  2. What are the negative sides of the winter season?

    The winter season has also some negative sides- 1. Dense fog causes an increase in accidents, 2. Homeless people and stray animals find it challenging to survive in the absence of warmth.

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