This article helps you get an idea of how to write a speech on adoption. The given example of speech is engaging, informational as well as persuasive. Moreover, it is written in a very easy-to-understand English language.

5-Minute Speech On Adoption

First of all, good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you gathered here. In your special presence, I would like to say a few words about Adoption.

There are a number of problems the world is facing today. People can find solutions to some of them but some problems are completely out of control. We can also find solutions which seem to be impossible if we embrace a different approach.

Adoption is one solution which can help us solve many problems in the world. Yes! you heard it right we can solve our personal problems as well as our worldly problems too. Didn’t you understand? Don’t worry! Let me explain.

The very first problem adoption can address is the rapidly increasing population. We know that more people means more demand for resources. When the demand goes up, resources get expensive, which creates difficult situations for poor families to run their lives.

If one person adopts a child, it gives the rest of the world a two-fold benefit. The first is, an existing child will get the resources he needs. Second, we do not contribute to population growth by at least one in number. What is better? If the existing population lives their life well or we want a new population it will create problems for all.

The second problem is infertility. Couples who are unable to conceive a child have an opportunity to become parents by adoption. If we think deeply, a child is a child. It does not matter if he or she has your genes or blood group. Moreover, this way you can escape transferring your genetic disorders to the new generation.

Most importantly, if the couple wants a specific sex of their child, adoption can give them a 100 % guarantee. When they want to conceive their own child, there will only be a half-half chance of getting a specific gender of the child.

If adoption becomes popular around the globe, the whole world will witness a positive change in society and humanity. When we start accepting others as our own ones, the feeling of selfishness diminishes. This can help us live together with love and affection.

Apart from this, when we develop a habit to support others, others also get open to support. This drives us to lose our insecurities. School students are taught many such values in their moral science but it fades away with time.

Another important thing, adoption gives a sense of satisfaction of doing something meaningful in life. Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you help a person in need? In the same way, when you help a child by providing him/her the rights he/she is entitled to, the level of satisfaction can not be measured in any unit.

To sum it up, adoption is a great way to conquer various issues in the world. Not only will it help in sustainable development but it also can offer to create a better world to live in.

There is a lot to say but I will stop here. I hope you find my thoughts helpful. Thank you!

Short speech on adoption

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