We live in a culture where appreciation is overlooked and mistakes are highlighted. Humans are social creatures who need help, support and appreciation from others. Appreciation is an important factor in the personal growth of an individual. It also helps in the evolution of society.

In this article, we will learn how you can compose a speech for the appreciation of an individual, a group or a team. We use an easy-to-understand English Language for this type of composition.

Speech On Appreciation Of Teachers for 1 to 2 Minute

Good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you present here today. I am here to express my gratitude towards my teachers by presenting my deep thoughts about them.

First of All, I confess that the more I speak about my teachers, the less it will be. All the adjectives in the dictionary are insufficient to express the qualities of my teachers. The favour teachers do to their students can never be paid off. Thank you, teachers!

When I took admitted to a school, I was stupid and had a blunt brain. But today, I feel proud to tell you that I am considered one of the most intelligent students moulded by my teachers. “It takes a big heart to help shape little minds. Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.” Thank you again, my teachers!

There is a saying that our true well-wishers are only our parents. I disagree with this statement. My teachers never made me feel like that. In fact, they taught their students to face the real world more than the parents do. Dear teachers, I am thanking you on behalf of all the students for this.

Sometimes teachers turn harsh towards their students. To this, I want to state the first law of Newton which says, “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” Actually, this harshness acts as an external force to push us forward. Thanks Again for pushing us forward.

“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.” I am very thankful to God for sending me to this school where I met my great teachers who taught us not only the educational content but also helped their student to find out their talents. Again, Thank you, dear teachers.

At last, Thank you Ramesh Sir for explaining to me the play of numbers. Thank you Vikas Sir for improving my English language. Thank you Pankaj Sir for teaching me geography. Thank you Abhijit Sir for explaining physics. Thank you Sudhakar Sir for simplifying chemistry’s concepts. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, my teachers!

Appreciation of Teachers- Short Speech

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