In India, the Holi festival is a grand celebration of Hindus but it is celebrated by all communities. This festival is also known as “The Festival Of colours” as we splash coloured water, and gulp on friends and dear ones. Before the play of colours, A ritual called Holika Dahan takes place.

The festival signifies the victory of good over evil. People celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm. This is not a sole-day celebration. It is a two to the three-day festival. We celebrate this festival by throwing buckets of coloured water onto our friends, relatives, and everyone.

If we talk about the religious side of this celebration, it is celebrated in memory of a great devotee of Lord Vishnu, Prahalad, who escaped from burning to ashes when his aunt Holika tries to do that at the order of his father. His father wanted him not to worship Lord Vishnu. Holika Dahan is a representation of that event and is a sign of victory of good over evil.

We forget that a most valuable natural asset “water” is being wasted. It should not be wasted. Additionally, harsh colours can damage the skin of people. There is a need to adopt some environment-friendly ways that will double the joy of the celebration.

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