Good Morning, Most reputable principal, respected teachers and loved friends. I am here to speak a few words on a great personality- Rabindranath Tagore.

You must have performed school prayer at some point or the other. School prayer is always incomplete without having a national anthem included in it. If you are an Indian, I am sure you might have sung the national anthem.

Have you ever observed how beautifully it is composed? Our national anthem tells about the features and architecture of the country in a poetic way. Is not it sound wonderful? Just think about the level of intellect of the composer of the Indian National anthem.

Yes, you get it correct. I am talking about Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore was not only an artist but he was also a true patriot. He was active in politics. He wrote many songs about the motivation of Indians.

Rabindranath Tagore influenced the nation and the youth as well. He was a multi-talented man. He is still remembered as a world-famous writer, painter, sculptor, journalist, social reformist, teacher, philosopher, musician, and educationist.

This is what I wanted to say about this great personality. Thank you!

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