Example 1

Reputable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends! First of all, I would like to welcome all of you and also thank you all for having me a chance to deliver a speech on Patriotism.

Preferring a Nation’s interest that of your own is a sign that you are a patriot. From childhood, we have been listening to many stories about our great freedom fighters who got our country free.

They devoted their whole lives to the country. They were great patriots who strove for the betterment of the country.

No doubt every countryman loves his/her country but making some efforts which can help your country to be progressive is real patriotism.

Having 24 hours a day, one can dedicate at least an hour to work for the country whereas many devoted their whole life.

Usually, we consider our country as our motherland. It means that we must have identical love for our country as we have for our mother.

In fact, a country is no less than a mother; it nourishes us and helps us grow.

With time, the feeling of patriotism is fading away and these days this feeling is rarely seen in the younger generation, this is because nowadays people are busy in their lives.

They are becoming very selfish. It is the need of the hour to spark a sense of patriotism in younger ones for the constant progress of the country.

Thank you again. This is all I want to say.

[#2 Example]

Good Morning to the reputed principal, respected teachers, dear friends and everyone present here.

Today we all have gathered here to celebrate this special occasion of Independence day.

When it comes to celebrating this day how can we forget to talk about the personalities who helped us get freedom?

Our freedom fighters taught us the true definition of “patriotism“, “determination“, “devotion” and “brotherhood“.

Of course, they were true patriots with huge hearts and tremendous courage. Today when we don’t even have much time to take care of our own health, they devoted their whole life to taking care of the country.

But this is unfortunate, we only know a few people who took part in the freedom fight. Even though everyone held equal importance but we only talk about famous personalities.

Schools and colleges must fill this gap and let their students know about unsung heroes of the freedom fight.

Everyone loves his country but only a few are actually aware of patriotism. Patriots treat the whole country as their home. They don’t throw garbage anywhere but in the proper place.

They behave well with foreigners whereas some people do the opposite defaming the country.

Being a patriot is not only mean that you have to fight for the country as army man. You can be a patriot in your own way.

Do choose your style. You can do it by helping the poor, taking part in good initiatives, taking care of the environment etc.

I request you all to do things in the nation’s interest. I stop my speech here. I hope you listened to it well. Thank you.