We use plastic in uncountable forms in our daily life. There is no doubt the use of plastic provides us with a great deal of convenience. But this convenience is too costly for the environment, animals and our health. Hence, it is high time to say no to plastic.

In this article, we shared 2 short and long speech examples on the topic “say no to plastic”. These speeches will help students prepare for speech competitions. Also, you will get to know the harmful effects of using plastic-made items.

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on saying no to plastic.

Plastic is the most used material of current times. We use it in various forms and for various purposes. But careless use of anything is very harmful. The plastic bags, plastic packaging, and plastic bottles we use do not get dumped properly.

These plastic-made items travel here and there on the streets and even reach water bodies. Land animals and aquatic species eat them mistaking their food and suffer from various health problems. Apart from this, plastic is dumped into landfills which causes soil pollution.

In short, the use of plastic is not good for our health, our biodiversity and our environment. In every possible manner, we need to avoid the use of plastic. There are various alternatives that can replace the use of plastic-made items. So, it is time to say no to plastic. Thank You!

1 Minute Speech On Say No To Plastic

Speech On Say No To Plastic For 2 to 3 Minutes

Hello All,

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on saying no to plastic Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

We use plastic in uncountable forms in our daily life. There is no doubt the use of plastic provides us with a great deal of convenience. But this convenience is too costly for the environment, animals and our health. Hence, it is high time to say no to plastic.

Let’s talk about the harmful effects of using plastic. This will inspire all of us to avoid the use of plastic as much as possible.

1. Deterioration of Environment

Plastic is one of the greatest contributors to pollution. Plastic takes around 600 years to completely decompose. Plastic in various forms is dumped into landfills which reduces the fertility of the soil and hence it is a reason for soil pollution.

2. Harmful to animals and Aquatic Creatures

Plastic bags are light in weight. For this reason, they can travel by air far and wide. Animals eat these bags with their food and suffer from various problems. Even some animals die from eating plastic bags. This way the use of plastic is reducing our biodiversity.

3. Harmful to Health

We use plastic bottles to carry water and various drinks. These bottles release chemicals into our food which leads to various health problems. Apart from this, when we order food online, it is mostly packed in plastic bags which becomes toxic and not healthy food.

So, the use of plastic is no better. We need to replace this practice with some alternatives so that we can prevent all of these harmful effects. Let’s talk about some of the ways to say no to plastic.

One. We can use paper bags or reusable cloth bags in place of plastic bags. Two. We can use a stainless bottle for carrying water and other drinks. Three. Use a stainless tiffin to avoid health problems. Four. Avoid ordering food online where you find plastic packaging, it is better to eat healthy homely food.

Five. dump the plastic-made items into the proper place. Also, if you find plastic litter on the streets, make sure to transfer it to dustbins so that animals do not eat it. Six. Spread awareness about the harmful effects of the use of plastic.

To sum it up, there are various ways to say no to plastic. We need to care for our health, our animals and our environment for sustainable development.

This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

Long Speech On Say No To Plastic

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