Values are positive good qualities present in an individual or company. These values are responsible for each action performed by an individual. They also help others to figure out the nature of a person or a group of people living together or working together.

Core values represent an individual’s or organisation’s priorities. In this article, we shared some examples of speech about values having a time duration of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. This will help you prepare for a speech presentation.

1 Minute Speech about Values

Good morning and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on values and their importance.

The real value of a person is determined by the values imbibed in him. These are sometimes called core values. Core values are profound essential values that are grounds for who we are as a person. They tell us what we really believe about ourselves.

Core values decide the behaviour, the thinking pattern, and the actions that someone will execute. The same applies to an organisation. If we talk about some of these values. They can be; confidence, humbleness, doing the right things, accountability, helping first, integrity, sharing etc.

In short, Values are important that drive an individual or a business to behave ethically. Thank you!

Short Speech About Values

2-Minute Speech About Values

Welcome honourable principal, respected teacher, loved parents and dear friends. Today, we are gathered here for this special occasion of… I am here to speak a few words about the importance of values.

Values or sometimes called core values or moral values are the invention of humans. These values distinguish humans from animals. These values are important for an individual, a society, an organisation, a business and a country because values have the purpose of driving you to act and behave ethically.

Your values indicate what is important to you and what are your priorities. If you have good values, everyone will like you and you will develop a mutual emotional connection with others. This way you will behave very well with others. Hence, values shape your personality and behaviour.

The values inside you help you make the right decision. They help you distinguish between right and wrong. When you make the right decisions, you prosper on the path of progress. This improves your confidence. Therefore, we can say that values help you grow.

Values can build character. Good values can help you build a strong character and bad values can help you build a loose character. Now, a question arises in the mind; what are good values? There are a lot of values considered as good.

Some of these can be compassion, loyalty, discipline, accountability, confidence, gratitude, sharing, caring, and doing the right things. There is a quote that can help you understand the importance of values in a few words.

Treat people the way you want yourself to be treated. Talk to the people the way you want yourself to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.

To sum it up, your values can decide the experiences you are going to encounter. So, imbibe good values in you and enjoy the world. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech On The Importance Of values

First of all, good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you present here today. In your special presence, I would like to say a few words about core values.

We develop a wonderful connection with some people while we fail to do the same with others. This is because of the values they imbibe in them. If we find a person with the same interest and values as us, we like them and vice versa.

Values are positive good qualities present in an individual or company. These values are responsible for each action performed by an individual. They also help others to figure out the nature of a person or a group of people living together or working together.

Your values indicate what is important to you and what are your priorities. If you have good values, everyone will like you and you will develop a mutual emotional connection with others. This way you will behave very well with others. Hence, values shape your personality and behaviour.

Let’s talk about some good values that an individual must have.

1. Kindness

Kindness is the best value of all. Every living being understands the language of kindness. Kind nature can calm even the most ferocious animal. Being kind often requires courage and strength, as it involves the willingness to celebrate and give attention to someone else.

2. Honesty

Honesty is the best policy“. You must have listened to this line one day or another. It is one of the most basic core values. Honesty is the equilibrium of what we say and what we do. It also encourages one to always tell the truth and avoid cheating.

3. Doing the Right Thing

Doing the right is a tough commitment because it will please some people and fury others. But wait… Give it a think before doing anything if this act is actually right. Here right means which is right for all, not for one perspective. Hence, doing the right thing requires a great deal of wisdom.

Apart from these, there are many values we can count such as;

  1. Loyalty
  2. Spirituality
  3. Humility
  4. Compassion
  5. Honesty
  6. Kindness
  7. Integrity
  8. Selflessness
  9. Determination
  10. Generosity
  1. Courage
  2. Tolerance
  3. Trustworthiness
  4. Equanimity
  5. Altruism
  6. Appreciation
  7. Empathy
  8. Toughness
  9. Self-Reliance
  10. Attentiveness

To sum it up, in order to prosper in each aspect of life, one needs to incorporate good values.

Thank you very much for listening to my speech. I hope you liked it.

Long Speech About Values

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