Do you know the richest man on the planet? I guess you do. But no one knows the poorest man on the planet. This is the power of money. Money is a means of running life effortlessly. Not only money makes your life easy but it also gets you recognition in society.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech on the money with a time duration of 1, 2 and 3 minutes for presenting in any speech competition. In this speech, you will get to know about the importance, advantages and disadvantages of money.

1 Minute Speech On Money

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on money.

We need a number of things to run our lives. These things have different natures. We can not store them at once for use because of a lot of factors. To tackle this problem, money was invented. We can store money without any conditions and use it to fulfil our needs in exchange for money.

Now it is very clear that money is a means for running life easily. People earn money to fulfil their daily needs and accumulate it for future use. But money has become an obsession for people. People want to accumulate money as much as they can.

The reason behind this is money represents power and strength in today’s world. Yes! money is essential in life. But giving too much attention to it can prevent you from balancing other aspects of life such as health, relationships etc. Hence, everyone needs to live life wisely. Thank you!

Short Speech On Money

2-Minute Speech On Money

I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on money. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

Transactions are one of the most important aspects of human society. This is because we can not create or produce everything we need. Hence, we need to transact with others. In earlier times, people used to exchange articles with one another. This type of exchange is called the barter system.

The barter system was not so efficient. It was very difficult to find people who can mutually fulfil each other’s needs. Then, money was invented to tackle this problem. Money gave people to transact at an efficient level. Money was invented to solve a problem but nowadays money has become an obsession for people.

Different people have different beliefs about money. Some people believe money is a means to enjoy all happiness while others believe it to be the root cause of all evils.

Even if money is only a means for running life easily, people consider money superior to anything else. Everyone is obsessed with money. Some say money is everything. Everyone is rushing after accumulating more money without giving it a thought.

People forget about other aspects of life for the sake of earning more money. This is not a good way of living life. One needs to understand that life is all about balancing each aspect of life. If you do not pay attention to other aspects of life, you will end up messing up your life.

This is the reason behind the saying money can’t buy happiness. Anything in excess is not good and harms you in one way or another. Hence, It is very necessary to understand the right place for money in one’s life.

This is all I wanted to say about money. I hope it was helpful. Thank you!

3-Minute Speech On Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one“. This is one of my favourite quotes about money which was written by Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath, who had written tons of books.

Good morning! All of you. Before heading ahead to my speech on Money, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

Do you know the richest man on the planet? I guess you do. But no one knows the poorest man on the planet. This is the power of money. Money is a means of running life effortlessly. Not only money makes your life easy but it also gets you recognition in society.

But wait! Is it worth earning money if it can’t buy you happiness? No doubt, money can buy you everything that is helpful to bring happiness in life. Nevertheless creating happiness in life is an art. If you don’t know this art, money can’t help you enough.

Let me tell you an interesting fact. A study was conducted on two groups of people. One of them gave more importance to money and the other group gave more importance to relationships. The second group was happier. Hence, according to this study, happiness is more related to how your relationships are.

I Reiterate, money can help you bring happiness but only money is not enough. First of all, one needs to understand the right place for money in life. Money is a means just like fuel in the vehicle. The vehicle is useless without fuel but when you are concerned only about fuel, your journey will become lifeless.

Furthermore, one should learn the art of money management which explains many lessons such as:

  1. How to spend money wisely: Spending money is an imperative task and it needs attention. Most people spend money on unnecessary things. This way, they waste money.
  2. How to cover your future risks: The accumulation of money is done for fighting future needs and risks. But is also done through various other means such as insurance.
  3. How to grow your money: Instead of earning more money, one must learn how to grow his money. Many people grow their money intelligently by investing in various instruments such as real estate, stocks etc.
  4. How to save money: If you don’t know how to save money, all the money on the planet is less for you. In fact, a penny saved is a penny earned.

To sum it up, People forget about other aspects of life for the sake of earning more money. This is not a good way of living life. One needs to understand that life is all about balancing each aspect of life. If you do not pay attention to other aspects of life, you will end up messing up your life. And then you will say, “money can’t buy you happiness”. Thank you! I hope you liked my thoughts.

Long Speech On Money

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