What makes a living being brave? It is courage that helps an individual to win fear and take a risk. In this article, we shared some examples of speech on courage. It is written in easy-to-understand English language. With the help of this, you can also improve your composition skills.

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Short speech Example for 1 to 2 Minutes

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to share my thoughts on this vital topic- Courage.

“Courage”- the smaller the word, the more powerful it is. Human life is full of challenges and difficulties. Courage works as a weapon that helps us fight these challenges and difficulties. From smaller to greater decisions, each one requires courage.

To be funny, on a winter’s morning, taking the decision to take a bath is a horrible decision for many. It takes courage at that time. Jokes apart, I believe the most courageous creature on the planet is “a mother”. She can take the greatest risk for her child.

It is important to be noted that being courageous is not about being fearless but related to conquering fear. Not only does it help us conquer our fear but it is also an essential element for personal growth. Hence, courage is a priceless feature of humans that can not be replaced by anything else.

As we know we can not witness growth without taking risks in life. Courage makes us brave and enables us to take risks. Nowadays, each one of us has fears related to carrier, marriage, success, peer pressure, social issues and other obstacles in life.

I want to tell you all that fear is not going to help you grow in life, it is courage that does. So, be courageous! Thank you!

Short Speech On Courage

Long Speech On Courage | 3 Minutes

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear“. This is one of my favourite quotes given by Nelson Mandela. It describes the importance of courage in just a few words.

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on courage. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

Courage and fear are two key features of Homosapiens. These features are not developed recently but they are parts of human life since the ancient age. Our ancestors were afraid of being killed by other wild animals. At the same time, they also had the courage to hunt them.

They maintained a balance between fear and courage so well that humans survived all the difficult stages of the past time. Today, humans are ruling the world. This demonstrates the importance of maintaining a balance between these two. This balance can help you achieve anything you want.

If we talk about today, each one of us is fearful. We have fears related to carrier, marriage, success, peer pressure, social issues and other obstacles in life. I want to tell you all that fear is not going to help you grow in life, it is courage that does.

Here I am not saying you to be fearless but I am convincing you to be courageous. On the one hand, being fearless is about saying yes to taking risks in life. On the other hand, being courageous refers to facing difficulties bravely and taking calculated risks.

For instance, if you are afraid of talking on a stage in front of hundreds of people. Being fearless will push you on stage and talk without giving it a think. Contrary to that, being courageous will help you prepare before you go on the stage.

To sum it up, our life is full of events when we need to show a courageous gesture. Before that, we need to understand the correct definition of courage.

Thank you for listening to me carefully. I hope my thoughts were helpful.

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