“Childhood is the best part of life”. This is what everyone agrees on. I have seen many adults talking about some of the childhood events of their lives. In this article, we present a paragraph on childhood memories in 150 words for students.

My Childhood Memories Paragraph | 150 Words

There is no doubt that childhood is the best part of one’s life. We do a lot of naughty and innocent activities that become memories forever. These memories sometimes give me a reason to smile at my own foolishness and innocent activities of childhood.

I remember one such kind of incident when a monkey grabbed a banana from my hand and got afraid terribly. Although the monkey did not harm me, the incident caused me to suffer a fever for three days. My family reminds me of that incident to entertain themselves.

Another memory is about the first day of my school. It was the first time when I had to spend six long hours without interacting with my family. That day I cried all the time till the school was closed. My teachers still tease me for that incident. Whenever I feel low, these childhood memories cause me to smile.

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