Essay On Air Pollution– “Air” the smaller the word, the greater its importance. It is the basis of the life of living organisms on the planet. But with the increase in air pollution, the air is also becoming harmful to us.

Air is the first fundamental requirement for the execution of life on Earth. It provides oxygen to humans and carbon dioxide to trees. Unfortunately, this air is getting polluted and unfit for living organisms.

Short Essay On Air Pollution | 250 Words


When our air gets contaminated by pollutants, the process is called Air pollution. If we talk about the word “air” the smaller the word, the greater its importance. It is the basis of the life of living organisms on the planet. It helps us all live a healthy life. But with the increase in air pollution, the air is also becoming harmful to us.

The major pollutants are smoke and gases from industries and various types of oxides. Carbon dioxide, smoke produced by transportation and firecrackers, burning solid materials, and radioactive particles. It is also dangerous to individuals and living beings on the globe.

Essay On Air Pollution | Introduction

Causes of air pollution

There are several causes that enhance air pollution. Some are natural that are not in control like volcanic eruptions, forest fires, fossil fuel emissions, environmental dust etc. Others are man-made which are controllable like excessive use of fuel-based vehicles, wood burning, fuel burning and smoke released from factories.

The burning of wood and coal generates several hazardous gases that mix into our atmosphere making it contaminated for living beings. The main substances that cause air pollution are carbon dioxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, smoke produced by industries and firecrackers, the burning of solid materials, and a few others.

Effective resolutions

We can control this issue in a limited way because some of the leading reasons for Air pollution are natural. But, for the reasons produced by humans, we can take some measures to defeat it.

There are remarkable resolutions for the reduction of air pollution. Humans must walk to cover short distances and use the cycle as much as possible, We should plant more and more trees so that they can turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.


Air Pollution is an issue that requires to be resolved as soon as possible so that we can assume a healthy life on the planet. It is very crucial to care for our air because we all living beings depend on it. People should do their part to curb this problem. And the government should also take some bold steps to rectify the situation.

Long Essay On Air Pollution | 500 Words

Main Headings

  1. Introduction
  2. Causes of air pollution
  3. Negative effects
  4. Elimination of air pollution
  5. Final Words


Air is the very base of the life cycle on Earth. Almost all the organisms on our planet need air for different purposes. For example, humans and animals need air to breathe oxygen and for plants, it is a requirement to prepare food.

But, due to expanding industrialization and the collection of poisonous gases in the environment, the air is becoming more and more toxic day by day. Apart from that, these poisonous gases are the reason for several respiratory problems and diseases.

Air pollution is a threat to humans and other living beings because it stimulates the ratio of basic gases in the environment, turning the ecosystem less useful.

Causes of Air pollution

We burn wood and fossil fuel for different purposes that release oxides of carbon that when mixed in the air, get polluted. Air pollution is a result of many causes altogether including Carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, burning of fossil fuel and firewood, volcanic eruptions, smoke released from factories, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), and many more the main causes.

Besides, some other causes pollute the air like industrial garbage, agricultural decay, thermal nuclear plants, power plants, environmental dust etc. There are some causes for which we humans are responsible and we should fine-tune them.

Negative effects On human health

Air pollution has several negative effects on our health. It is a source of many respiratory disorders and also a cause of heart problems. When we inhale polluted air, It damages the cells of our respiratory system and we start facing various serious conditions.

Air pollution influences our lives in diverse ways. It affects human lives straightly and indirectly. It is a grieving problem for the earth as it is harming the ozone layer. It is a source of many diseases like asthma, heart diseases, lung-related problems, respiratory problems, etc.

Elimination of air pollution

Some solutions are always there for every problem. Similarly, we have various opportunities to overcome air pollution. But as we know we can fix the problem to a limit because some of the causes of air pollution are natural and we do not control it. Here are some resolutions below:

Strict measures to curb deforestation– Trees are our friend. It is called because they filter air suitable for us. But with the increase in deforestation, the number of trees is declining which is very bad. The government should take some legit measures to curb deforestation.

Policy for industries– Industries release poisonous gases in the environment at a high amount. There is a need for proper policies for them. Also, we need to use reusable and recyclable products to reduce the operation of these industries.

Reforestation– We are cutting trees on a large scale, so we must plant more trees to balance. It will help us reduce the harmfulness of the air.

Use of eco-friendly fuel– We ought to adopt the practice of using Eco-friendly fuels such as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), bio-gas, CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), and other eco-friendly fuels. So that we can reduce the volume of deadly toxic gases.

Final words

To sum it up, Air is a part of our environment and our lives. It is the very first requirement for people to live a life but living a life is not enough. We need pure air to live a healthy life and we are aware of the present scenario. So, ultimately we need to protect it from being polluted if we want to expect a healthy lifestyle for future generations.

Essay On Air Pollution | Conclusion

Stats and Facts about Air Pollution

  1. According to WHO (world health organization), there are 4.2 million (42 lac) deaths reported every year as a result of ambient air pollution.
  2. According to WHO (world health organization), there are 3.8 million (38 lac) deaths reported every year due to exposure to smoke from dirty cookstoves and fuels.
  3. 91 % of the world’s population lives in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits.
  1. Air pollution is attributed to 9% of deaths globally.
  2. According to WHO (world health organization), there are 4.2 million (42 lac) deaths reported every year as a result of ambient air pollution.
  3. According to WHO (world health organization), there are 3.8 million (38 lac) deaths reported every year due to exposure to smoke from dirty cookstoves and fuels.
  1. 91 % of the world’s population lives in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits.
  2. Air pollution is attributed to 9% of deaths globally.
  3. Inhaling air pollution takes away at least 1-2 years of a typical human life.
  1.  It has effects as small as burning eyes and itchy throat too as large as breathing problems and death.
  2. Pollutants that are released into the air are the most harmful than land and water pollutants.
  3. Producing heavy crude oil improves the risks of air pollution by 40% more than producing light crude oil.


  1. What are the effects of air pollution on the environment?

    The main effects of air pollution are climate change, ecosystem disbalance, acid rain, global warming, Smog effect Deterioration of fields, and Extinction of animal species.

  2. What are the effects of air pollution on Human Beings?

    The dangerous effects on living beings are Skin Damage Chemical Sensitivity and Respiratory health problems and it also affects the growth of animals and plants.
