This article will help you write and prepare for a public speaking competition for the topic “Each one teach one”. Here are given two examples of speeches which are different in word lengths and time durations.

1 Minute Speech On Each One Teach One

Good morning all, I wish you all the best wishes and greetings & I also would like to thank you all for having me here to share my thoughts on “each one teach one”.

The slogan “each one teach one” encourages the educated segment of society to understand their responsibility to teach at least one uneducated person. This will increase the literacy rate and we can build a better society to live in.

Anyone can utilize the extra time from his daily schedule to teach one child. By giving education to someone, we don’t lose anything at all. Rather it gives us a sense of satisfaction from doing something meaningful in life. This concept is not only for educated adult males.

Any educated individual can accomplish this responsibility be it a student, a housewife or a retired person who has time to spare for a meaningful task. By putting in a little effort, an enormous change could be made to the quality of life of underprivileged children. So, if you find this interesting, do teach one. Thank you!

Each One Teach One Speech

Speech For 2 minutes

Reputable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends! First of all, I would like to welcome all of you and also thank you all for having me a chance to deliver a speech on “Each one Teach one”.

We all know that education is a fundament need for every human being. Education helps a person in personal growth and economic growth. Apart from this, education can help us build a better society for living. This is why it is a responsibility to leave no stone unturned to supply education to everyone.

Some developing countries like India have low literacy rates. There are various reasons for this. For example; weak financial conditions, unemployment, lack of awareness etc. Although the government is putting all possible efforts to increase the literacy rate, educated people can help the process by adopting the approach of “each one, teach one”.

Suppose there is only a 50% literacy rate in a country. If each educated individual start teaching only one illiterate person, the country can reach a 100% literacy rate. This will make a big difference for society and the country.

By giving education to someone, we don’t lose anything at all. rather it gives us a sense of satisfaction from doing something meaningful in life. We waste multiple hours daily. If we give some of this time to educate an uneducated child, an enormous change could be made to the quality of life of underprivileged children.

The bottom line, we must take the required steps in the right direction to make every child literate irrespective of their class. If we understand our responsibility, it is an indication of being a true human being.

Thank you! for listening to my words.

Each One Teach One- 3 Minute Speech

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