Do you participate in any speech competitions? And the topic is a 1-minute speech on environmental pollution. Then You are at the right place.

Here are given 2 different speeches on Environmental pollution. These speeches are well designed to get you the first prize in the competition. But You can make some changes based on your views.

[Speech Example 1]

Hello, all the people present here. Before starting my speech on environmental pollution I would like to wish you the best greetings and also I am very thankful to have a chance to deliver my thoughts in front of you all.

Mother Teresa has said “I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” This line shows us her extreme love for the environment and nature. The surroundings in which we all live are called the environment or nature. This environment is made up of several elements like air, water, land etc.

When these elements get polluted and adversely affect the environment, it is called environmental pollution. Human activities through urbanization, industrialization and mining are the primary cause of global environmental pollution.

This is a critical challenge for humanity to combat this situation. But we all together can help the environment heal and revert to its initial stage.

There is a lot to say but time is limited and we should respect time. I hope you liked this speech.

Thank you again.

You Can Read: 4+ Speeches on Pollution

[Speech Example 2]

Hello all,

Before I start my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes and greetings.

I Would also like to thank all the people present here for having me a chance of sharing my views on this critical issue in the world.

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”

-Lady Bird Johnson

Someone has correctly said that “Man is the only animal that fouls its own nest”. The environment in which we live today is not the perfect version of it. It is because humans have polluted each element of the environment.

This pollution is referred to as environmental pollution. The present scenario of the world is a result of the exploitation of the earth and its resources.

humans have exploited the wealth of natural resources for the sake of money. But that money can not buy us the initial environmental conditions back. The time has come to wake up from sleep and fix the problem.

We need to treat the conditions to expect the presence of life that is hard to find on any other planet in the universe.

A lot is remaining to be said but time is limited and we must respect time. I hope you liked this speech.

Thank you again.

For More Ideas: Read Best Paragraph on Pollution [Top 3]

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