The winter season offers us different experiences and perks. It is the most loved season by all. During this season, school students get winter vacations as schools announce holidays in the months of December and January.

Short Speech On winter Season

Welcome and good morning all of you. I am here today to present with you a speech on the winter season. Before starting my speech I want to thank you all for having your great presence.

Nature has gifted us with many opportunities to enjoy its glory. It has offered us many seasons. Each season holds great significance and identity. Among all the seasons, Winter is my favourite season. There are many reasons why I like this season the most. So, here are the reasons.

In the winter season, Be it the morning, noon, evening or night, you can have a hot drink like tea, coffee or hot chocolate. To be honest, I like coffee the most and winter gives me a chance to relish my favourite drink frequently.

Additionally, I like to roam here and there. To do so all I need is warm clothes and I am set to roam under the sky all day long which is impossible to do in summer. This is the reason I go on a long morning walks in the winter season.

Another reason Why I like this season, I can play outdoor games with my friends without exhausting my energy frequently. Playing outdoor games in the winter season is a unique experience that nothing can replace. Most noteworthy, The veggies like carrots, cauliflower, sweet potato etc. drive us to remember this season throughout the year.

This is what I wanted to say about my favourite season winter. I hope you liked my speech. Thank you!

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