What Is Friendship Speech: Choosing good friends is a must because it can make or break your identity in society. Friendship is not a blood relation but sometimes it is more than that. We share a relationship with our friends that is unconditional and unbound.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This saying defines true friendship in fewer words. Truly, A true friend is one who not only stands there in your good moment but also supports and appreciate you in your hardships.

1 Minute Speech on What is Friendship

A day that is void of friends is to mean an incomplete one. Friendship makes every day a celebration. I cordially thank God for gifting me with a range of true friends who complete my life.

Hello and welcome to all the people present here. Before I start my speech on friendship, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

All blood relationships are defined from the day we take birth but friendship is a relationship that can’t be defined without mutual affection. Friendship does not depend on any caste, creed, colour, nationality etc. You can make friends of any age, from any country, from any community.

Friendship is the most transparent and divine relationship among all the other relations. It is considered the best life when someone has a lot of good friends. Friendship supports you in life not only in happy times but also in your hardships.

This is all about what I think of friendship. Thank you for listening to my words. I hope you liked them.

1 Minute Speech on What is Friendship

2 Minute Speech on What is Friendship

Greetings to everyone gathered here, I (your name) cordially welcome all of you. I also want to thank you for having me a chance to deliver a speech on friendship.

So, What is friendship? Did you ever try to define it? I know you all understand what friendship is and what is its significance. But to define friendship is a little bit hard because it can not be expressed through words. Every other person perceives friendship in a different way.

But we can explore the term- “Friendship” using our common sense that everyone will agree with. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This quotation defines true friendship in a few words. Actually, A true friend is one who not only stands there in your good moment but also gives you a shoulder to cry on in your hardships.

Your friends are your extended family. They treat you like your family members. They share mutual affection with you. They know your strengths, your weaknesses, your secrets, your emotions etc. They use to irritate you, they make fun of you, they fight with you, they laugh with you, they weep with you. But what is hidden here is They love you in every act.

True friendship suggests having a connection free of any rules. It is free from any judgments and it gives you a sense of feeling loved and accepted. True friends are rare to find and you are destined enough to have them.

Concluding, having a good friendship that inspires you, supports you, and always stands by you at difficult times is luck. Sometimes this friendship is found more than blood relationships.

I stop here to give others a chance. I hope you like my words. Thank you so much.

3 Minute Speech on What is Friendship

If I ask you whose company you like the most? I am sure that most of you will say “friends”. That is the importance of friendship. Our friends know us more than our family. Aren’t you agree?

Greetings to everyone gathered here, I (your name) cordially welcome all of you. I also want to thank you for having me a chance to deliver a speech on friendship.

There are tons of relationships in the world but friendship is above all. That is because any relationship can fetch you boredom but friendship will not. You enjoy the world the most when you are with your friends. They multiply your happiness & cut down your sorrow.

You will find a range of definitions of friendship in the dictionary, but the truth is that it can not be defined in words. Obviously, you can describe friendship in your own way but it can not have a proper definition. That is because everybody perceives friendship in his/her own way.

But we can explore the term- “Friendship” using our common sense that everyone will agree with. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This quotation defines true friendship in a few words. Actually, A true friend is one who not only stands there in your good moment but also gives you a shoulder to cry on in your hardships.

Your friends do not pass judgements on you but it does not mean that they accept your negative points. Rather, they get you out of your negative things without judging you. They appreciate your achievements without being jealous. They inspire you to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Your friends are your extended family. They treat you like your family members. They share mutual affection with you. They know your strengths, your weaknesses, your secrets, your emotions etc.

They use to irritate you, they make fun of you, they fight with you, they laugh with you, they weep with you. But what is hidden here is they love you in every act.

To sum it up, friendship keeps us stay strong in life. Having a caring family is all okay but you also need true friendship in life to be perfectly happy.

This is all about what I think of friendship. Thank you for listening to my words. I hope you liked them.

What is Friendship Speech | 3 Min

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