Paragraph On The National Flag Of India: The national flag of India is the pride of the nation. It is made up of three different coloured stripes. These colours are saffron, white and green. Each of the colours has a different meaning.

The Indian flag also has a wheel having 24 spokes in the centre of the flag. This wheel is called Ashoka Wheel or Ashok Chakra. This wheel resembles the wheel of Dharma. Moreover, there was “Charkha” earlier in place of the Ashok wheel.

100 Words Paragraph

The national flag of India is made up of three rectangular strips of three different colours. These colours are saffron, white and green. The uppermost is saffron, the white one in the middle and green is at the lowermost. A wheel having 24 spokes is situated at the centre of the flag.

All three colours and the wheel depicts different meanings. The saffron colour is a symbol of strength and sacrifice. The white colour signifies peace and truth. The third, Green colour refers to the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land. While the wheel is a symbol of Dharma Chakra.

150 Words Paragraph

A flag is a symbol of a country that helps it to be identified by other countries. Every nation has a distinctive flag that signifies its culture and importance. The Indian flag also has its own identification and significance. The flag of India is also called “Tiranga” or “Tricolour”. This is because it comprises three colours.

These three colours are saffron, white and green. All three colours depict three different meanings. The Indian flag also has a wheel in the centre of the flag. This wheel is called the “Ashoka chakra” which represents the wheel of the law of dharma, Truth or Satya.

The saffron colour is a symbol of strength and sacrifice. The white colour signifies peace and truth. The third, Green colour refers to the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land. The wheel in the centre has 24 spokes representing 24 hours explaining the importance of time.

200 Words Paragraph

A national flag works like an identity symbol for a country. Every country owns a uniquely designed flag that signifies its culture and significance. People of a country respect their national flag as their respect towards the country.

The national flag of India, also known as “Tiranga”, is not the first flag that represents India. There has been a number of flags prior to this one. The current flag had gone through many stages to get its final variation.

The proposal was presented by Mahatma Gandhi first. Then, it was designed by Pingali Venkayya who was also a freedom fighter. The three colours were chosen so carefully that none of them depicts a sectarian association.

The saffron stripe depicts passion, courage and sacrifice. This strip is dedicated to the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the nation. The white colour stripe is a symbol of simplicity, peace and truth.

The white band also has a blue wheel having 24 spokes that illustrate 24 hours and the wheel depicts the wheel of Dharma. The last band is green in colour showing the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.

Every countryman should understand the significance of their national flag and show the utmost respect to it.

Paragraph on The national flag of India

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