100 Words Paragraph

Although noise pollution is a less-discussed subject, it is becoming a notable issue to spread awareness about. When the levels of sounds in the environment rise, it creates imbalances in the environment.

In India, Noise pollution is rapidly growing in urban areas. Noise pollution does not create a direct effect on our health but it impacts our psychological and physiological health along with physical effects.

There are various damaging effects of noise pollution on human health and we need to do everything from our end to manage, control and, prevent noise pollution in our environment.

150 words Paragraph

Noise pollution is a less discussed topic because it does not affect us immediately as other types of pollution impact us. But it does not mean that Noise pollution is a less important topic to be aware of. It is required to know what are the causes of it and how to overcome them.

The main reasons for noise pollution are loud sounds, high-volume music, Sounds from factories, sounds from construction works and traffic. We enjoy listening to music but when the volume levels go up it starts affecting our psychological health.

To sum it up, it is notably essential that we consider noise pollution very seriously. There are various damaging effects of noise pollution on human health and we need to do everything from our end to manage, control and, prevent noise pollution in our environment.

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