Greetings to everyone present here.

Today we all are here to celebrate the occasion of Independence day. Of course, the 15th of August is a great day that makes us remember the great patriots of the nation who got us freedom. I feel lucky to have a chance to deliver a speech on Patriotism.

Patriotism refers to a virtue of a person that pushes him to work for his country selflessly and make it better. The number of patriots in a country plays a major role in the country’s progress. In today’s world, everyone is becoming more selfish or in the words, everyone is very busy with their own stuff.

There is a need to reawake the feeling of patriotism in the young generation of the country. This is because a country’s future is determined by its young generation’s thought processes and actions. We must make sure that their work proved to be a catalyst in the nation’s development.

Patriotism is a quality that every person should have. A country full of patriots certainly turns out to be a better place to live in than a place where people always fight with each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues.

Long Speech On Patriotism

The Great Patriots of India

In the past, especially during British rule, many people came forward with an intense sense of patriotism to get the country rid of British rule. They set an example for all of us and also they inspire us to do something for the country. I will talk about some of them but I am addressing all the patriots.

Whenever We talk about freedom fighters, the first name that comes to our mind is Mahatma Gandhi. His contribution towards the freedom struggle in India is known by all as he has led many freedom movements against the British. He is a perfect example of “simple living high thinking”. He dreamed of India’s independence and achieved it.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh is another name on the list. He was determined to get India free from the clutches of British rule. He was a part of several freedom movements and campaigns. He devoted his life to this mission and died as a martyr for the love of his country.

Let’s talk about some female patriots of India. Not only men but women of India also possess the quality of bravery and patriotism. Rani Laxmi Bai and Sarojini Naidu were the female freedom fighters who fought against the Britishers.

Nationalism vs Patriotism

The terms nationalism and patriotism are often used similarly, however, there is a difference between the two. Patriotism means keeping the country’s interest first rather than one’s own and contributing towards the country’s improvement.

Nationalism, on the other hand, means feeling pride in one’s country irrespective of noticing the positive and negative points. In my opinion, patriotism is much better than nationalism.


Unfortunately, today no one is concerned about the nation’s interest. Just think if our freedom fighters would have thought this way then we would have been a slave until today. We should remember that we are still a developing country and internal brotherhood and patriotism is our need to become a developed one.

This is what I want to say on this occasion. Thank you…

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