Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire. He fought against Mughal Empire and annexed many forts under his empire. He fought for the helpless people whose lives were ruined by Mughal Tyrants.

From a very young age, he started his journey as a warrior. His diplomatic and leadership skills were exceptional. Even today, his leadership strategies are taught in corporates and academies are conducting case studies on.

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Hello, all of you who are present here.

First of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day and also want to thank you for having me this great opportunity to share my thoughts on a very brave personality- Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Let me start from the beginning.

The one who is considered the best leader in history, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj took birth on the 19th of February, 1630 to Shahaji Bhonsale and Jijabai in Shivneri Fort in Maharashtra. He was fearless, intelligent, and a good diplomat who won many forts without even raising his sword.

His first childhood teacher was his mother Jijabai who told him the stories of the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharat. His mother had a big contribution to making him fearless and brave. Shivaji Maharaj has also imbibed the firm resilient features of an ideal Hindu’s character. He learned not to bow down to any force.

His Journey as a warrior took off at the very young age of 16. He had no army at first, but he managed to assemble an army. He was encouraged by Dada Konadev to learn various warfare skills. His guru Ramdas wanted him to survive any diverse condition by using such skills.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was a ray of hope for the people whose lives were ruined by the Mughal Empire. He created a feeling of trust and affection in minds of the people and kept the foundation of swaraj in the valleys of Mavals.

He began to attack the enemies surrounding his kingdom. After capturing the Torna Fort, Chakan Fort, and Kondana Fort, he kept expanding his Maratha Empire by capturing one fort after another. Shivaji’s Empire was growing bigger and stronger day by day. This news spread in all four directions.

Other rulers feared his name when heard the stories of his bravery and gallantry. Adil Shah, the king of Bijapur, was also got afraid. So, he imprisoned Shivaji’s father Shahji. But Shivaji Maharaj freed his father by using his diplomatic skills.

Knowing this Adil Shah became furious and sent his commander to kill Shivaji. He invited Shivaji Maharaj to his place and tried to kill him cunningly. But Shivaji was one step ahead of him, he killed him intelligently.

He slowly expanded his kingdom across Western and Central India. He focused his energy on eliminating the tyrants of that era. Most of them were Muslim rulers. Many people consider him anti-muslim but it is not true. His two generals were Siddi and Daulat Khan Muslims by religion.

He never learned to differentiate between people in terms of caste, creed, colour or religion. Whatever he did was for the welfare of the common people. He ruled for a period of 27 years. He suffered a severe fever which led him to death on 3rd April 1680 in Raigad Fort.

Thank you for having listened to my words. I hope you liked my speech on Shivaji Maharaj.

Speech On Shivaji Maharaj- 1 Minute

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