Good morning everyone and thank you for your special presence over here. Today, I am here to speak a few words about dedication.

Dedication refers to the quality of being committed to a task or purpose. It is so powerful that it has helped people to achieve the heights of the sky from the surface of the earth. If you are dedicated to a purpose, nothing can prevent you from achieving your goal.

A great example of dedication is the invention of the light bulb. Thomas Edison was purely dedicated to his work to discover the formula for lighting the bulb. He executed thousands of experiments during this great invention and got many failures but he did never lose hope.

He perceived all the failures as learning. Hence, a dedicated person will never lose hope in his journey. He will always find a solution to every problem. Dedication inspires you to change your strategies, not your goals. The most important thing, there is no need for motivation where dedication exists.

If you ask any successful person, they will tell you about the importance of dedication. As the famous quote says, “hard work is the key to success”. Dedication is the keyring that keeps the key persevering. When you see a failure after putting in hard work, you lose hope. But dedication keeps you going.

With the help of hard work and dedication, you can counter any barrier that lies in the way towards success. Rigid effort and dedication will someday lead you to realize your dreams and thereby bring happiness to your life.

It must be noted that there is no fixed formula for dedication. You have to first comprehend your aims, fix your life objectives and identify the potential obstacles and challenges that might arise your way. When you become dedicated, you promise yourself not to give up on your dream no matter what.

To sum it up, a dedicated person is always optimistic and produces the maximum possible use of the present circumstances. He achieves success and inspires other people to be like him. So, what are you waiting for? Go and be dedicated to your goals.

Thank you for listening to me. I hope you like my words.

Short Speech on dedication

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