1 Minute Speech

Good morning and welcome to all the people present here. I am here to say a few words about cruelty toward animals. Before starting my speech I want to thank you all for having me this valuable opportunity.

Since ancient times, humans have been using animals for different objectives. But gradually this usefulness of animals converted into the exploitation of animals. Today, humans have become very cruel towards animals for the sake of their greed.

But from nature’s point of view, animals are as vital to the planet as humans do. In fact, directly or indirectly animals affect the lives of other organisms and the ecological equilibrium of the planet. If we want to see a planet full of different life forms, we need to contribute to saving animals.

Thank you for your attention.

Also Read: Paragraph on how to save animals

Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals- 1 Minute

2 Minute Speech

Good Morning Everyone, first of all, I want to wish you all the best for the day. I am here to deliver a speech on cruelty towards animals. I am very glad to have this tremendous opportunity.

Research suggests that the human population is growing at a heavy pace while some animal and species numbers are continuously declining on the planet. There are various reasons behind this but human greed is one of the greatest reasons.

Natural habitats of animals are being destroyed by humans for land development and farming. Hunting and poaching of animals are other awful factors contributing to the extinction of wildlife. This is done for obtaining meat, leather, fur and teeth etc.

Further, animals are the ones who are used for drug testing to ensure that no harm is done to any human during the development of a new medicine but what about the animals? This way we might develop new medicines but a lot of animals has to sacrifice their life. Can humans do the same thing for animals? Of course, you know the answer.

We have forgotten that Nature is not privileging human beings but it also treats other animals equally important. This is a critical problem for the planet and for the existence of life on the planet. Thus, Saving animals is the need of the hour.

This is what I wanted to say about animals. Thank you.

3 Minute Speech

Greetings to everyone present here.

Most Reputable teachers and honourable principals and loved friends. first of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day. Also, I am here today to deliver a speech on cruelty towards animals.

Planet Earth is home to numerous living organisms. Animals both large and small are a critical component of our environment. They are equally important as other species. But humans have been using each component of the environment for the sake of their pleasure.

Earlier, animals were used as a method of transportation. Gradually, humans started using them in many other activities such as farming, protection, sports and entertainment without thinking if animals are okay. This is pure cruelty towards animals.

Moreover, animals are also used to cater for our entertainment in the forms of circuses, races and fight competitions. People enjoy riding on horses, camels and elephants. Many people also come door to door to display the tricks of animals to entertain children.

For non-vegetarian people, animals are a source of food. They get eggs and meat which is considered the best source of protein. There are various types of meats that come from different animals available in the market. More than half of the population consumes a non-vegetarian diet. This is the reason behind the killing of animals for no reason. Do you feel it is justice?

Further, animals are the ones who are used for drug testing to ensure that no harm is done to any human during the development of a new medicine but what about the animals? This way we might develop new medicines but a lot of animals has to sacrifice their life. Can humans do the same thing for animals? Of course, you know the answer.

We have forgotten that Nature is not privileging human beings but it also treats other animals equally important. This is a critical problem for the planet and for the existence of life on the planet. Thus, Saving animals is the need of the hour.

There is a lot to say but I need to stop here. I hope you liked my speech. Thank you for your valuable attention.

Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals- 3 Minute

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