The planet Earth is home to various living things such as animals, birds, insects and mammals etc. All the species have a different purpose in maintaining the ecosystem of the earth. Each of them possesses the right to live independently.

100 Words Paragraph

Animals are an important part of mother nature. They help in maintaining the ecological balance on Earth. Apart from this, directly or indirectly they influence the lives of other organisms on the planet. In this condition, there is a need to save them so that we can save our planet from becoming a planet with no life.

There are various ways and practices that can help us save animals. First of all, we should stop using products that come by harming animals. Second, we should turn ourselves vegetarian or vegan so as to make sure fewer or no animals are killed. Third, we can join NGOs that encourage wildlife conservation.

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150 Words Paragraph

Research suggests that the human population is growing at a heavy pace while some animal and species numbers are continuously declining on the planet. This is a critical problem for the planet and for the existence of life on the planet. Thus, Saving animals is the need of the hour.

Natural habitats of animals are being destroyed by humans for land development and agriculture. Hunting and poaching of animals are other disgusting factors contributing to the extinction of wildlife. This is done for obtaining meat, leather, fur and teeth etc.

As an individual, we can adopt simple tricks that would help save at least 100+ animals in a year. For example, we should stop wearing clothes or accessories that come from poisoning animals to death. Other than this, we can use products free from substances that come from violence against animals.

200 Words Paragraph

Since ancient times, humans have been using animals for different purposes. But gradually this usefulness of animals transformed into the exploitation of animals. Today, humans have become cruel towards animals for the sake of meeting their greed.

But from nature’s point of view, animals are as important to the planet as humans do. In fact, directly or indirectly animals influence the lives of other organisms and the ecological balance of the planet. If we want to see a planet full of different life forms, we need to contribute to saving animals.

As an individual, we can adopt simple tricks that would help save at least 100+ animals in a year. For example, we should stop wearing clothes or accessories that come from poisoning animals to death. Other than this, we can use products free from substances that come from violence against animals.

Moreover, We can join NGOs that take a stand against cruelty towards animals. We can help these organisations financially and physically. Most noteworthy, the government needs to stop deforestation and save forests that are homes for many animals. The smuggling of animals and animal-based products needs to be stopped which is the biggest reason for cruelty against animals.

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