Speech On Peer Pressure

Speech On Peer Pressure [1,2,3 Minutes]

In today’s competitive environment, everyone feels peer pressure. Some people consider it to be helpful while others believe peer pressure is not always beneficial. Hence, It has become an important issue to discuss and find out the advantages and disadvantages of peer pressure. In this article, there are many examples of speech on peer pressure…

Essay On Biodiversity

Essay On Biodiversity [300-500 words]

Essay On Biodiversity: The earth is the only known planet having the existence of life on it. Besides, life has manifested in different forms such as animals, birds, plants, microorganisms etc. Among these broad categories, Each one has its variety. This diversity is called Biodiversity. In other words, Biodiversity refers to the presence of different…

Unity in diversity speech

Speech On Unity in Diversity [1-3 Minutes]

India is famous around the globe due to its ideology of “Unity in diversity“. In India, everyone is treated equally irrespective of their religion, language, culture or the region they live. All the Indians live together with love and brotherhood. In this article, we shared some examples of speech on unity in diversity for students…