Our country can be classified into two sections. Urban area and rural area. 70% of the population of India lives in villages also known as rural areas. The rural part is the backbone of the country because villages supply food to the entire population of India.

⬇ Paragraph Example ⬇

I live in a village named Kashiganj. This village is situated in the centre of Madhya Pradesh. I belong to a farmer’s family. My father and I go to our fields to sow the seeds of crops and when the crops are riped, we again go to harvest the crop.

I have been living here since my birth but I also lived in a city for a couple of years. If someone asks me the best place to live, I will reply- It is a village. Because in the villages you can get everything of your need in the purest form. For Example; pollution-free air, fresh water derived from the ground, fresh fruits direct plucked from the trees and organic food.

Apart from the basic needs, villages offer you some experiences that cities don’t. You can get pluck the fruits directly from the trees to relish their true taste. Apart from this, you can enjoy pumping out the water from handpumps, pulling out the buckets from wells, and bathing under the borewell installed in the fields.

Moreover, villagers will never let you feel lonely because they believe in living in a brotherhood. They use to help each other. Moral values hold a specific place in the village. Villagers strongly believe in God, prayers, and rituals. They do not hurt anyone whether it is a human being, an animal, a bird or any other living being.

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