Speech On Corruption & Its Eradication- Corruption is an evil that slows down the economic development of a country & contributes to the exploitation of poor people. Every year, December 9 is observed as an International anti-corruption day to raise awareness among people.

Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong. To be honest, youth can fight against corruption and can say no to corruption. Eradication of corruption needs strong steps to be taken. Surely, with constant political and governmental efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

1 minute Speech On Corruption

Most Reputable teachers and principle and loved friends. first of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day. Also, I am very grateful for the chance to deliver a speech on corruption.

So, What is corruption? Corruption is a form of criminal activity that involves the illegal use of authority and power for personal gain. It is an evil that is preventing any nation to progress. Apart from that, it has become a tool to exploit poor people.

Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong. It has become a method of earning money by using one’s authority illegally. To eradicate corruption from society, we need to take strong steps. Surely, with constant political and governmental efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

This is what I wanted to say. Thank you!

Short Speech on Corruption

2 Minute Speech on Corruption

Hello, all the people present here. Before starting my speech on this evil “corruption”, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

Today, No nation is exempt from the disease of Corruption. From Hospitals to enterprises to governments, no place and nobody is free from Corruption. Corruption originates from the greater levels and goes down to the lower levels.

Sadly, in India, corruption has become a part of life. We have to live with it. In every sphere in India, you will come across this unlawful activity. From medical assistance to school admission, from getting a driving licence to receiving benefits of any government scheme, it is omnipresent.

Corruption is influencing our lives directly. The poor are more likely to be hit by corruption because they have no money for bribery leading to inequality in society. On the one hand, where the daily needs of poor people are not being met, on the other hand, rich people are living harmoniously.

To be honest, there is a strong need to eradicate corruption from society & say no to corruption. With continuous effort, we can get rid of this evil.

There is a lot to say but time is a limited resource & we should respect time. Thank you again. I hope you liked my speech.

3 Minute Speech on Corruption

Corruption is a form of criminal activity done by an individual or an organisation. This activity compels others to compromise with their rights. It is a roadblock in the overall development of any country. Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong and offensive.

Before heading ahead to my speech on corruption, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

In small or in big forms, Corruption is prevalent in almost every sector. Corruption is affecting our lives directly. This practice harms the economically weaker sections of society more. This is because they don’t have money for bribery and so they lag in every area.

All the power belongs to the amount of money“. This notion leads individuals and organisations to create a pile of money. They go on the illegal track to earn money and evilly use their authority. They don’t even care about which path they are following.

In India, we have to live with it. Almost in every field, you can see this illegal activity. From hospital to school admission, from getting a driving licence to getting benefits of any government scheme, from politics to private organisation. No place and no one is untouched by corruption.

In a country like India, the largest fraction of the population is youth. So, it is obvious youth have to face corruption way more than any other age category. Plus, this is surely only youth can firmly fight against corruption & can fetch positive results.

Now, this is the youth’s responsibility to fight against corruption. To be honest, there is a strong need to eradicate corruption from society & say no to corruption. With continuous effort, we can get rid of this evil. If it happens, drastic changes will occur and corruption will go extinct.

I stop my Speech here. Thank you again. I hope you liked my words.

Long Speech on Corruption

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