Speech On Child Labour- Child labour is a heinous crime that pervades around the globe. This sinful practice is the reason behind depriving every 1 child out of 10 of their granted rights. Today, almost every country is a contributor to child labour.

Poverty is the major cause that promotes child labour the most. Economically weak families have to throw their children into this Dirty swamp so that they can meet their basic needs. Additionally, they are not able enough to afford education for their children.

3 Minute Speech On Child Labour

Everyone talks about taking a stand for their rights. But this is only applicable to those who are mature enough. What about those who are in the developing phase of their mental ability? Don’t get confused. I am talking about Child labour.

Before heading ahead I want to wish you all the day and pay thanks for having me a chance to speak on this sensitive topic of child labour.

So, I was talking about taking a stand for the granted rights. Imagine those children who are already deprived of education and have no idea how to take a stand for their rights. How can they retrieve their rights? Did you get an idea? I am sure you all got stuck.

The short answer is They can’t. In this situation, society and the government should take a stand for them. Child labour is a vicious crime that is needed to trash out from society and the country. It is not only destroying the future of young ones but also of our country because upcoming generations define the progress of a country.

To trash it out of society and nation, we need to examine the reasons that promote this heinous crime. Many major causes promote this evil practice. 

Poverty is the biggest reason that drives it to a high level. Poor Families have no choice but to put their children into this hell because of fewer earnings to meet the basic needs of the family.

One of the other primary causes is the lure of cheap labour. As they are cheap to hire than a regular adult worker, industries prefer child labours.

Unaffordable education is another reason for it. As economically weak families can not afford to send their children to school, they force them to earn money. Moreover, The poor mentality of families that education has no value at all made them engage their children in work.

If we cut the root cause of the problem, the problem will be eradicated. Child labour is a curse for our children that is needed to trash out of society as soon as possible. We all have to take measures against this terrible practice so that our adolescent generation can get their true rights.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

5 Minute Speech On Child Labour

Hello, all the people present here,

first of all, I would like to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you all for having me a chance to speak a few words on child labour.

Everyone talks about taking a stand for their rights. But this is only applicable to those who are mature enough. What about those who are in the developing phase of their mental ability? Don’t get confused. I am talking about Child labour.

Imagine those children who are already deprived of education and have no idea how to take a stand for their rights. How can they retrieve their rights? Did you get an idea? I am sure you all got stuck. The short answer is They can’t.

In this situation, society and the government should take a stand for them. Child labour is a cruel crime that is needed to be trashed out from society and the country. It is not only destroying the future of young ones but also of our country because upcoming generations define the progress of a country.

Now the question is Why should child labour be eliminated and how? To answer this question one needs to understand the life of child labour and how this evil impacts their lives.

Child labour leaves a perilous impact on children involved in it. The first and foremost effect of child labour is children lose their childhood and basic rights to education. They are deprived of enjoying their innocence and naughtiness.

Children involved in child labour have to handle several difficulties during work time. They carry the load beyond their capacities and so they get fractures and physical injuries. Children have to face many injuries during work like cuts, burns, fractures, excessive fears and nightmares.

Additionally, they are abused and beaten by employers for small mistakes. Even they are forced to consume alcohol so that they can work more than their capabilities. Don’t you think this is the greatest crime found on the planet?

To trash it out of society and nation, we need to examine the reasons that promote this heinous crime. Many major causes promote this evil practice. 

Poverty is the biggest reason that drives it to a high level. Poor Families have no choice but to put their children into this hell because of fewer earnings to meet the basic needs of the family.

One of the other primary causes is The lure of cheap labour. As they are cheap to hire than a regular adult worker, industries prefer child labours.

Unaffordable education is another reason for it. As economically weak families can not afford to send their children to school, they force them to earn money. Moreover, The poor mentality of families that education has no value at all made them engage their children in work.

If we cut the root cause of the problem, the problem will be eradicated. Child labour is a curse for our children that is needed to trash out of society as soon as possible. We all have to take measures against this terrible practice so that our adolescent generation can get their true rights.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

Conclusion for speech on child labour

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