Understanding of English language is one of the most demanding skills for employment.
Here are 3+ Best Speech on the Importance of English. You might be shocked to know that it is 3rd most spoken language around the globe.
The English language can lead you to the top of your career. This is why this language holds a huge value for someone who is very ambitious about his career.
Speech Example
Good morning all [wish according to time]
I wish you all the best wishes and greetings. And I also would like to thank you all for having me here to share my thoughts on the English language.
The English language is a global language and the most famous language for social communication.
It is the third most spoken language on the globe and about 104 countries have people that can converse in English.
The variant of the English language we speak today is called modern English. This language has more than 150 accents.
This language is used in programming languages, international communication, sports, news etc.
The main function of any language is to share information. The English language is most suitable for sharing information because it assists to state logical facts clearly.
The next function of the English language is the expressive function that carries the feelings or ideas or emotions of somebody. English poetry is the best illustration of it.
In this modern era, the English language has become an important part of each existing field.
Some decades ago a degree was enough to get a corporate job or employment but at present, the time has changed. Today, knowledge of the English language holds more value than a degree.
Furthermore, This language unlocks barriers to your growth. If you desire to start your career in the field of science and technology, the English language is a necessity.
Even it assists in performing research because most of the data available on the internet are in English.
Moreover, the English language is also useful for strengthening relations with other countries that have English as their native language.
Communication in this language will also bring business prospects to the international market.
In the end, the English language is like a device that can help you experience the world at a better level.
If you investigate any type of information, it is available generally in English. The knowledge of the English language is counted in the skillset of an individual. For the technology field, English is a must.
I have to stop here because time is limited and we should respect time. I hope you liked my thoughts on the English language.
Thank you all for listening to my words.