Speech On Bullying For Students
Hello and good morning to all,
Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes & I also want to thank you a lot for giving me a chance to share my views on this vital topic i.e bullying.
Let me start with a story.
Our moral science book teaches us to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated by others.
It feels good when someone treats us with respect and love. In contrast, when someone shows lousy behaviour towards us, It hurts. One such behaviour is called bullying.
Bullying is aggressive behaviour towards one or more vulnerable persons. Those who do bullying are called bullies and they want to dominate the other person(s).
Bullying can leave physical or emotional scars on the personality of the victim.
There are four types of bullying i.e. physical, psychological, verbal and cyberbullying. It can happen at any stage of life and any place in the world.
Most notably, family members unknowingly bully an individual in various ways.
You might be surprised to know that a UNESCO report states that 32% of students are bullied at school.
It is also noted that most boys suffer physical bullying while most girls suffer psychological bullying. No matter what gender the victim has, bullying is needed to be eliminated from society.
Like other countries in the world, the cases of bullying are increasing gradually in our country. Although the government has introduced many initiatives to fight this critical issue, the common man must also put some effort in this direction.
Maybe the victims are unable to take a stand for themselves. Others can help them by taking a stand on their behalf of them. In fact, the victims are one of us. Most important, parents must teach their children not to bully others as a lesson of morality.
To sum it up, it is our duty to prevent bullying in schools, colleges and other parts of the country. Not only bullying harms the victim but it also impacts the personality of bullies.
Hence, it is also needed to improve the self-esteem of individuals so that they can develop a strong personality, not a loose one.
This is what I wanted to share with all of you. I hope it was helpful. Thank you for listening.